I have informed both the administration, to include the chancellor, and the alumni office about Ms. Dawood’s plagiarized report (“Student Trustee Report.” News. The Mass Media 27 Feb. 2003: A7); yet no one seems to believe that there is or ever was a problem or a violation of academic integrity. Yes, Ms. Dawood, a-c-a-d-e-m-i-c i-n-t-e-g-r-i-t-y. Two words you don’t seem to comprehend.
Apparently Ms. Dawood’s plagiarized report/speech is exempt from the student code of conduct; under the provision of plagiarism. The University continues to laud her accomplishments and “leadership” (questionable leadership) as the “future of the Commonwealth [of Massachusetts].” (“Students Recognized For Leadership.” News. The Mass Media 1 May 2003: 2.)Why hasn’t any one else picked up on this (academic) violation? She, too, must be dealt with according to our Code of Student Conduct.
Ms. Dawood, former student trustee, if you should read this, here is your opportunity to explain yourself. Why did you plagiarize your report? More specifically: Why did you plagiarize the Beacon Leadership Projects (BLP) Brochure statement? We’re not talking about a sentence or two here and claiming ignorance is not an option.
On page A7 (“Student Trustee Report.” News. The Mass Media 27 Feb. 2003: A7), second column, second paragraph, halfway down the column, “the BLP is a learning experience …” (here is where you plagiarized):
“…that effectively integrates prior formal and informal learning and leadership experiences in leadership for social change and service learning. The BLP is also engaged in collaborative learning and development by utilizing the knowledge and experiences of others that include faculty, administrators, students, and community leaders directly and indirectly associated with the program.”
See: Beacon Leadership Project Brochure. Purpose. pg 2.
Scroll halfway down and the words: “The BLP is designed as a credit- or competency-bearing learning experience that effectively integrates … “. Please explain yourself.
Last I recall, Ms. Dawood an alum from the College of Arts and Sciences, is an English major. I’m wondering: How many other times has Ms. Dawood plagiarized her speeches/reports since her tenure at UMB?
Perhaps, now, the administration will read this in the Mass Media and investigate this wrongdoing. Wishful thinking.
J. Stone Laraway IIUMB, Alum 2003