Thursday, October 16
Interfaith Bible Study and Fellowship 11:30am-12:30pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join with Rev. Adrienne to study and discuss the Word of God. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at 617-287-5838.
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Art Exhibit Reception Noon-2pm, McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Harbor Gallery. Join us for this very special reception with artist and UMB alumnus Kathleen Bitetti. Her art project “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” will be on display in the Harbor Art Gallery during the month of October as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To read about Kathleen and this very important project please visit
Christian Worship and Fellowhsip 4pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at 617-287-5838.
Intramural Aqua Aerobics for Faculty and Staff 5:30-6:30pm. For details, drop by the Intramural Office. For more information, call Rick Sledzik at 617-287-7830.
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642.
Friday, October 17
Biology Seminar 2:30-3:30pm, Science Center, 1st Floor, Room 006. Dr. Dan McCollum from the UMass Medical School will present, “Role of the Cdc14-like Phosphatase Clp1p in Coordinating Chromosome Segregation and Cytokinesis.” For more information, call Diana Ruddy at 617-287-6600 or email [email protected].
UmassBoston Agape Christian Fellowship (IVCF) Introductory Meeting 5:45-7pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. Student Organization Meeting – Free KFC dinner will be served! For more information, call Student Life at 617-287-7950.
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642.
Saturday, October 18
New Majority Conference: Working Conference to Forge a Common Agenda Among Boston’s Communities of Color 9am-3:30 p.m., Science Center, 1st Floor, Lipke Auditorium. Convened by the Asian American, Mauricio Gaston, and Trotter Institutes of UMass-Boston and led by a steering committee comprised of leaders and activists from Boston’s communities of color.
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Soccer vs UMass Dartmouth, 1-3pm
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642.
Monday, October 20
Interfaith Bible Study and Fellowship 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join with Rev. Adrienne to study the Word of God. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry Burton at 617-287-5838 or email [email protected].
Tuesday, October 21
Promise and Paradox at a Latino Commutniy High School 1-2:30pm, Healey Library, 11th Floor, Library Staff Lounge. Featuring speaker Tony De Jesus from the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College (CUNY), who will talk about his evaluation project, conducted as a Doctoral student at Harvard University School of Education, on the experience of El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice in Brooklyn. In the process of engaging Latino and African American students, El Puente found itself encoutering the challenges of gentrification, standardization and the usual issues of bureaucratic tensions. For more information, call Paloma Britt at 617-287-5791.
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Soccer vs Emerson College 3:30-5:30pm. For more information, call David Marsters at 617-287-7802.
CM Senior Executive Forum 6-7:30pm, Quinn Administration, 3rd Floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Featuring speaker Barbara Berke, Director of the Massachustts Department of Economic Development, Commerce and Labor. For more information, call Mary Ann Machanic at 617-287-7734.
Wednesday, October 22
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642.
Catholic Campus Ministry Mass 12:30pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join Father Larry for this weekly celebration. For more information, call 617-287-5839.
Jummah Prayer 1-2:15pm, McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Room 417. Muslim Student Association. Prayer One will take place from 1-1:30 p.m. and Prayer Two from 1:30-2:15 p.m. You may also attend daily prayers in McCormack, 5th floor, room 420. For more information, email [email protected].
Student Senate Government Meeting 2:30-4pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Lounge. For more information, call Bryan Smith at 617-287-7973 or email [email protected].
UMB Authors Panel: Speak Out and Speak Up. 2:30-4pm, Quinn Administration, 3rd Floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Discussions with UMB faculty who have published in the area of domestic violence and related issues. Moderated by Toni Troop, Communications Director, Jane Doe, Inc.This program is part of a month long awareness campaign. For more information, call Linda Jorgensen at 617-287-5680.
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Tennis vs Emmanuel College, 3-6pm
Thursday, October 23
Feminist Philosopher Speaker Series: ‘Gender Police’ 3:30-5:30pm, Quinn Administration, 3rd Floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. Distinguished Feminist Philosopher Series speaker Prof. Kathryn Morgan from the University of Toronto, known for her research on conceptions of gender and adrogyny, is sponsored by the Society for Feminist Philosophy. For more information, call Professor Roma Farion at 617-287-6541
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Soccer vs Wenworth Institute of Technology, 3:30-5:30pm
GSA Meeting 4-5:30pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. For more information, call Cathy Greene at 617-287-7975.
Coffee House of Praise 4-6pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Open Mic and open floor. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at 617-287-5838.
Writing Proficiency Requirement Portfolios due 5pm, Wheatley Hall, 6th Floor, Room 64. Portfolios are due by 5 p.m. today. For more information, call Aimee D’Avignon at 617-287-6330.
Book Release Party 5:30-7:30pm, Healey Library, 11th Floor, University Club. Join the John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies and Visiting Fellow Nigel Hamilton celebrate the release of his latest book, “Bill Clinton: An American Experience Volume One: Great Expectations.” Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP. For more information, call 617-287-5545 or email [email protected] .
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Volleyball vs Emmanuel College, 6-8pm
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642 or email [email protected] .
Friday, October 24
Biology Seminar 2:30-3:30pm, Science Center, 1st Floor, Room 006. Dr. Bruce Goode from Brandeis University presents, “Machinery to Build Diverse Actin Filament Structures: Arp2/3 Complex, WASp, and Formins.” For more information, call Diana Ruddy at 617-287-6600.
The Real Inspector Hound Theatre Production 8pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor, 008, McCormack Theatre. The play, The Murders at Muldoon Manor, is the setting for the entrance and discovery of The Real Inspector Hound-a play that blurs the distinction between art and life, player and audience member, in a surprising turn of events. For more information, call John Conlon at 617-287-5642 or email [email protected].