September 29
4:00pm- An after-the-fact larceny reported in the Wheatley building.
September 30
5:35pm- A 9-1-1 hang-up in the McCormack building.
7:05pm- A party reported a hit and run in the North Lot.
9:20pm- A party came to the Public Safety Office to report he had been assaulted by a group of four men in a catwalk. He said he had last seen them by the bookstore, and then he left.
October 1
9:45am- An ambulance was reported on the lower busway. It carted off an MBTA driver with chest pains.
October 2
9:20am- A false alarm in the McCormack building.
7:47pm- An automated intrusion alarm went off. Police checked the vicinity, but it was clear.
11:40pm- Hockey players drinking beer in the UL garage. This will be a regularly scheduled part of police log from now on.
October 3
4:30pm- A woman reported her wallet stolen.
11:05pm- An intoxicated male was escorted from campus to the Pine Street Inn. That’s one way to get a taxi…
October 4
10:45am- A party reported a vandalized vehicle under McCormack. Maybe that’s enough parties, huh?
October 6
3:35pm- A Dell laptop computer reported stolen from the library. Dude, you need to give that back.
7:35pm- Hit-and-run reported under the Science Center. We warned you about the scientists…
9:40pm- Boston EMS took an injured hockey player to the Boston MC.
October 7
5:30pm- Health Services ordered an ambulance for an university staffer.
October 8
10:13am- A call box malfunctioned in the Adaptive Computing Lab which resulted in a 9-1-1 hang-up. Watch out for the computer scientists too.
October 9
9:25am- The alarm went off in the greenhouse. A greenhouse worker found there did not know the code and was escorted out.
4:00pm- A motor vehicle was broken into and some items were reported stolen.
October 10
7:45am- A caller reported the theft of six jersey barriers from campus. A jersey barrier is ten feet long and weighs 6,000 pounds. Anyone who saw the getaway locomotive should call it in.
1:33pm- A student was reported unconscious in the McCormack building. He regained consciousness and refused medical treatment shortly before class ended.
October 11
7:35am- A false alarm reported in the Design and Construction Office. Didn’t know we had one of those, did you?
1:00pm- A boat trailer from the sailing program was reported stolen after the fact.