It?s that which creates a culture of fear- whether it?s due to a valid threat or a simple media masterpiece. Liz Boisvert Sophomore Environmental Studies
Afterthought: My definition is: a destructive act with political agenda that targets non-militant civilians and which results in widespread fear. Therefore, I have been troubled by the medias’ claim that there have been acts of ‘terrorism’ committed against U.S. troops in Iraq. This is entirely misleading to the American population. These acts are instead acts of war, which are quite different, because the U.S. government did after all declare war on Iraq, not vise versa. Pardon my sarcasm, but how dare a country that has been occupied actually fight back.
Also relevant here is the shocking statistic that I heard on NPR as well as from my Political Science professor that more than 50% of Americans surveyed concluded that there is a connection between the acts of September 11, 2001, and Saddam Hussein. Well, in response to this I straightforwardly feel that there is a gaping difference between an international ‘terrorist’ and a dictator and for this reason I posed this question to the UMass student body.-Kory Vergets