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Coming off a 1-0 victory over Mass Maritime the UMass men’s soccer team was off to their best start ever with a 4-0 record. A crushing conference opener, however, spoiled their perfect season when the Keene State Owls made a hoot of scoring on the Beacons. The owls rolled their zero over on the scoreboard at only 23 seconds into the match. The goal snapped a landmark streak by UMass senior goalkeeper Michael Tady, who had not allowed any opposition to score in 239:46 of action. The Owls scored twice more within the next six minutes and didn’t let up until late in the game.
Sean Vauldrin prevented the Beacons from being shutout at home. He scored the Beacons sole goal at 70:03. While scoring was at a minimal for the Beacons, goalkeepers Michael Tady and Roger Lau combined for a total of twelve saves. It was a busy day in the net for those two as the Beacons were out shot 33-12 by the Owls.
The final score was12-1, which set a record for the most goals allowed by the Beacons in a match. At 4-1 on the season the lights are still on for the Beacons and there is plenty more soccer action to come. UMass’s next home game will be Thursday, September 25th against Eastern Nazarene at 3:30 p.m.