Dissertation Defense
Ph.D. Candidate, Richard McConaghy will be defending his thesis, “Moratality, Mobility, and Refinancing as Factors in HECM Reverse Mortgage Payoffs.” The event will be held Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 9am, Quinn Administration, 3rd Floor, Rm. 308. Mr. McConaghy’s committee members include: Yung-Ping Chen, Gerontology; Francis G. Caro, Gerontology; Jan Mutchler, Gerontology; Kiran Verma, Management.
Education Support Grant
At the end of each semester the GSA awards grants in the form of bookstore gift certificates or copy cards to students with the highest GPA. For more information or an application, log on to the GSA website at www.gsa.umb.edu.
Professional Development Grant
The GSA allocates funds to reimburse matriculated graduate students who attend or present their research at conferences, conventions, and professional meetings related to their field. Applications must be submitted at least one month prior to travel. For more information refer to the GSA website at http://www.gsa.umb.edu/programs.htm.
Good Luck & Happy Holidays
The GSA would like to wish all students good luck on their finals. As the holiday season kicks into full swing, we would like to wish everyone safe and happy holidays!