Two job opportunities on Nantucket Island beginning in May. Office assistants with decent typing, computer, and telephone skills. Some errand running. Salary plus housing. Tele. 508-228-3942 or send resume to P.O. Box 2607, Nantucket, MA 02584 of FAX to 508-228-8778.
Summer Fun at Life-TECH VenturesLive-in positions at residential summer camp in Charlton, MA.Available to anyone who honestly likes being with children.Call 800-433-8375 naturesclassroom.org
Bartender trainees needed. $250 a day potential. Local positions, 1-800-293-3985 x288.Empire Insurance AgencyExciting income opportunitiesCall today 617-445-5555
Male, 38, with disability offers furnished room in exchange for 15 hrs/wk household duties (meals, etc.). Share luxury 2 bdr. Quincy apt, close to buses. Immediate availability, (617) 471-2686.
Apartments Sublets and RoommatesAll Cites and Areas. Browse and List FREE!Rooms of all size for rent, $200-$1300Stu,1 & 2 Bedrooms $900-$25001-877-FOR-RENTwww.sublet.com
EGG DONORS NEEDED, non-smokers. Ages: 21-32. Generous compensation & expenses paid. For more information contact Robert Nichols, Esq. (781)769-6900, [email protected], www.robertnicholsesq.com.
Egg Donors Needed.Help make a couple’s dream of becoming parents come true by becoming an egg donor.Very generous compensation and expenses paid.Ages 21-32.Non-smokers only.For more information please visit our website at www.robertnicholsesq.com or contact Christine or Liz at Robert Nichols Esq., P.C. at 781-769-6900.