Election results are in! Alexis Marvel has been elected Student Body President, Kayla Worthey will be the new Vice President, and Nolan O’Brien will be the new UMass Boston Trustee.
Results of the elections are listed below. A list of new Undergraduate Student Government senators is also included.
Trustee Results
(987 total votes cast inclusive of Graduate Student votes)
Nolan O’Brien 54.51%
Jesse Wright 45.49%
President/Vice President Results
(975 undergraduate votes cast)
Alexis Marvel/Kayla Worthey 46.87%
Christopher MacRae/Jared Ward 20.51%
Victor Ukatu/Evans Asumadu 16.82%
Ignacio Chaparro/David Manning 15.79%
Undergraduate Student Senate
(975 undergraduate votes cast. Senators appear in order of votes)
Ignacio Chaparro
Jose Martinez
David Manning
Yen Phan
Christopher MacRae
Caroline Kim
Olivia Lunardo
Cecilia Sosa Patterson
Netsanet Tsegai
Sara Ayaz
Evans Asumadu
Abrar Ahmed
Victor Ukatu
Rohan Nijhawan
Andrea Ngatia
Cheidy Meneide
Grisel Milla
Yan Li
Gahim Sinha
Colleen Mateo
Timothy Hall
Phillip Gustafson
Vonds Auguste
Ranner Faugus
Leonard Leteure
Quonedell Brown
Audrey Laine
Farha Mithila
Benjamin Whelihan
Aida Coronado
Referendum Question 1 (Action): Do you agree with the proposed changes to the Undergraduate Student Government Constitution?
Yes 91.07%
No 8.92%
Hometown: West Orange, New Jersey
Major: Biology with a minor in philosophy
Current Position: Student Body Vice-President