5/12/2013 4:34 p.m.
A vehicle on University Drive North had no valid inspection sticker, and the driver could not provide a valid license and registration.
5/12/2013 5:51 p.m.
A security alarm went off at the entrance to the eFollett campus bookstore. It did not appear that anybody had broken into the bookstore. The alarm turned itself off.
5/13/2013 10:51 a.m.
Two cars got into an accident on Bianculli Boulevard. Nobody was hurt, and neither car had to be towed.
5/13/2013 11:32 a.m.
A woman who is not a UMass Boston student disrupted a graduate class. Two students from the class came into the station to report her behavior. The students believed that the woman in question might be on drugs. An officer took her to Health Services, who sent her via ambulance to Boston Medical Center for a psychiatric evaluation.
5/13/2013 2:45 p.m.
A female student became ill and felt faint in the Science Building Greenhouse. She requested emergency services, but refused to go to the hospital.
5/13/2013 2:59 p.m.
Another woman on the third floor of the Science Building fell and bumped her head. Witnesses were worried about a possible head injury and called emergency services. The woman was transported to Carney Hospital.
5/14/2013 8:29 a.m.
A vehicle was blocking a service entrance in the Plaza Garage Upper Level. The Department of Public Safety was unable to find the owner of the vehicle. An officer left a ticket.
5/14/2013 10:41 a.m.
A student entered a closed computer lab in the Healey Library and refused to leave until escorted out by an officer.
5/14/2013 10:59 a.m.
The Department of Public Safety received a complaint about a group of students rolling joints on the table immediately outside of the McCormack Building. An officer confirmed that the students were rolling cigarettes.
5/15/2013 9:01 a.m.
The laptop of a worker in the Early Learning Center was stolen from the IT Department. The laptop was the property of UMass Boston.
5/15/2013 1:42 p.m.
A woman in the Wheatley Building was crying so hard that a witness became concerned about her health. The woman was having trouble breathing and could not talk because she was sobbing uncontrollably. An officer helped her get her breathing under control, and she was transported to Boston Medical Center by ambulance.
5/15/2013 6:00 p.m.
Somebody asked for help getting into a locked car in the Beacon Lot, but it turned out that the car was not locked.
5/16/2013 1:56 a.m.
A middle-aged man called from Lot C stating that he was having chest pains. The man went to Boston Medical Center by ambulance.
5/16/2013 7:12 a.m.
A false alarm went off in Wheatley Hall.
5/16/2013 8:06 a.m.
A man working in the Quinn Administration Building believed that someone had tried to break into his office because the lock cylinder had been turned. An officer reported that his complaint was unfounded and that it did not appear that anybody had tried to break into the office.
5/16/2013 8:34 a.m.
Someone called in to say that her car was stuck on a curb on University Drive South. An officer helped her get her car off the curb.
5/16/2013 2:34 p.m.
An Upward Bound student informed the Department of Public Safety that he had been robbed at gunpoint on the way to campus the night before.
5/17/2013 2:41 p.m.
A woman getting onto the shuttle bus fell and twisted her ankle. A witness called requesting a wheelchair, but the Department of Public Safety had no wheelchairs available. Instead, emergency services took the woman to Carney Hospital.
5/18/2013 9:38 a.m.
A woman left her purple purse in the women’s restroom with her iPad inside and could not locate the purse. Believing the purse stolen, she and an officer attempted to get online and access the tracker on her iPad. She was unable to track the iPad online, but did find her purse, with all her possessions inside, in her classroom.