Michael Owens won 49 percent of the vote in a three-way race to become a town councilor in Braintree. Owens is the youngest person ever to be elected to this office. Owens is a senior majoring in political science at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
“It is really great to have the trust of the people of Braintree, especially in district five,” said Owens. “The result of my campaign speaks volumes, it is reflective of the peoples’ desires for change and fresh leadership,” he added.
Owens mentioned how the inhabitants of Braintree were looking for someone who can shape a new path forward for the district and not necessarily someone who has traveled the past or who had previously worked for the government.
He revealed that his philosophy throughout the campaign was not only about getting people of his constituent to vote, but also about getting them engaged in the dialogue of local government in terms of what they can do together to make the district better, stronger, and a more agreeable place to live.
“I look at local government as the vehicle to obtain the quality of life that people are looking for, “Owens said. “The more people that are open to that vehicle and take ownership of it, the more impact they have and the smoother the vehicle of local government operates,” he reasoned.
Owens reiterates his vision of being an active voice that provides advocacy for his district at Town Hall. “My job will be about bringing the concerns I have heard from residents of my district during the campaign,” he said. Owens added that he will make sure that those concerns are being considered in his decision making process, and he will vote on issues based on what is best for the residents of Braintree in district five.
Owens has already attended several political meetings in his district, has continued to talk with the residents of his constituent, and he has also begun to reflect on what they can do and cannot do to resolve their concerns. “Communicating with the residents and being accessible to the constituent is very important to me,” he stated.
Along the way, Owens took time to thank the many people who helped him in his campaign including professors, faculty and staff at UMass Boston, and all his college mates from campus who participated and volunteered their time. He said that he is also thankful to other volunteers’ participation and to all his past and present mentors. “ I could not do this without the help of people. It was a grassroots campaign,” Owens said.
Owens encourages all students, especially those who are majoring in political science, to look for opportunity of leadership in their community whether it is through volunteering or interning. “Many young people have the potential to succeed in politics but they never attain success for they are not trying,” he said. “You will never know the outcome until you try,” he concluded.
Owens will be sworn in on Jan. 2, 2014 at Town Hall.
UMass Boston student gets elected as youngest person to ever be Braintree Town Councillor
November 23, 2013
“I look at local government as the vehicle to obtain the quality of life that people are looking for. “