On Oct. 28 in the the Campus Center Terrace, Campus Security held an event to raise money for one of their own by auctioning off the chance to shave an officer’s head. Proceeds will go to security guard John Pelton to help with his medical expenses. Pelton fought off brain cancer five years ago, but at a recent check-up, he was told that tumors had been found.
Twelve Campus Security officers were slated to have their heads shaved, including: Officer Patrick Mullan, Officer Shawn Powers, Officer Andrew Keenan, Sgt. Paul Arnstein, Officer Patrick Smith, Officer Elvis Nguyen, Sgt. Freddie Potocki, Sgt. Paul Parlon, Detective Ryan Doherty, and Officer Michael Brokmeier.
According to Sgt. Paul Parlon, the event has raised over three thousand dollars for Pelton.
As the shaving got under way, people stopped by to watch the spectacle. Those who had won the opportunity to take the clippers to the officer of their choosing had fun with their role, whether first shaving a stripe down the middle of the man’s head or opting to remove hair in random bunches. In the end, though, it was a smooth shave to the quick for all twelve officers.
Lieutenant Lonnie Hill paused the festivities mid-way to solicit bids to shave the mustache of Director of Public Safety James T. Overton. Officers rushed to hand over dollar bills, and Overton garnered over one hundred dollars to participate in an event that he merely planned to observe. Initially he was joking about shaving, but he ultimately had to eat his words. Parlon was the one to shear not just the follicles but also years off the police chief.
“Everyone in Public Safety is fired!” joked Overton after he was shorn. But he relented that, saying, “No, it’s for a good cause,” and remarked that he was glad to have raised the money.
All time spent at the event was donated by officers, and they received the donation for the sign from Erin of Richard Advertising in Dorchester. For more information on how to donate, contatct the Department of Public Safety at [email protected].