On March 5, film and television actor Evan Peters will hold a live interview with students at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
The event is hosted by Umass Boston’s Student Arts and Events Council (SAEC) and will take place at 3 p.m. at the Campus Center Ballroom. The event is free for the Umass Boston community. You may know Peters from the popular FX television series “American Horror Story.” He will be featured next in the highly anticipated film “X-Men: Days of Future Past” where he portrays mutant Quicksilver. The film opens in theaters May 23.
Peters follows a series of public figures who have visited the UMass Boston campus. Last year’s speaker was television actor Ice-T who currently stars on the popular NBC crime drama “Law and Order: SVU.” Speakers are chosen by students on the programming board based on availability and cost. The purpose behind this event is to invite a speaker that students want to hear from and who are positive role models.