During the course of a liberal arts education at a university, there are often various opportunities in classes to discuss some of the leading political issues of contemporary society. These discussions are especially prevalent in classes that are considered to be part of the social sciences such as criminal justice, economics, philosophy, psychology, political science, and sociology.
Students are often encouraged to voice their opinions freely and are frequently told that they are in a judgment-free zone where their voices will be fully heard. However, in spite of all of these reassurances of a safe environment and an ample chance to express viewpoints of any nature, it appears that there is a certain position on the political spectrum that most–if not all–students are taking when it comes to forming perspectives on certain topics.
That ideology comprises what is commonly known in our society as left-wing politics, a set of beliefs and principles that primarily focus on achieving a form of equality in all aspects of life as well as forming a collective body of power that is capable of maintaining such a level of equality. In general, the left-wing aims to achieve its goals by forming policies that often strive to increase the role of the state in the well-being of the general public through strengthening the social safety net to address all members of society. This includes the topics of universal education, healthcare, employment, housing, and transportation among various other aspects of society.
It would take thousands of pages and several sleepless nights to effectively chronicle the assets and liabilities of this approach to politics. However, in an effort to reach a more concise point, the question must be asked regarding why the left-wing is so popular with university students and faculty members alike.
In a futile attempt to answer a question with a series of questions, perhaps it has to do with one’s socioeconomic background and status? Maybe it has to do with one’s moral values and spiritual beliefs? Or what if it has do with the very philosophical composition of public higher education in the United States? All of these questions originate from the fact that there is an overall lack of willingness on the parts of students and faculty members to consider the alternatives to the leftist blueprint.
In class discussions, it is not uncommon for students or instructors to say that they are adopting the role of devil’s advocate when they mention right-wing ideals. Sometimes it is simply to keep the conversation going, or it could be to exhibit their ambidextrous abilities in convincingly arguing for both sides of the political spectrum.
The right-wing is for the most part viewed as a necessary evil; it merely exists to fulfill the Utopian ideals of free speech or simply provide comedic material for late night talk show hosts. Surely, there are no Bill O’Reilly-like figures that exist in liberal media. There is no corporate-driven propaganda delivery system on the left that rivals the pure fanaticism of Fox News. Self-identified leftist leaders are incapable of producing catastrophes akin to the Reagan and Bush administrations, right?
What these crass insinuations are trying to prove is that meaningful conversations and substantial progress towards addressing some of the most pressing matters facing the world today will not be achieved if either side continues to demonize the other and refuse to even hear the other side out. The right-wing must be allowed to voice their opinions on campus to the very same extent to which the left-wing is allowed their opinions on campus.
Conservatives and libertarians should not feel pressured to be silenced by popular opinion, or faculty members’ beliefs for that matter. Those on the left should welcome the opportunity to hear a perspective that contrasts their own, and should look forward to the chance of productive dialogue and rational debate rather than the default, unanimous consensus that most class discussions turn out to be.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the political climate of Massachusetts is such that there is an overwhelmingly leftist approach to politics at the municipal, county, and state level. The Democratic Party has possessed a vice-like grip over the Commonwealth’s political identity for close to the better part of the 20th and 21st centuries.
That further exemplifies the point that there is a need for an opposing viewpoint to the unilateral approach, regardless of whether or not it is indeed correct. One doesn’t need to go too far back in history to recall the devastating consequences of a one-party system. For the sake of democracy and free speech, the right-wing deserves the chance to make itself heard in any arena of public discourse. Only then, can the ultimate goal of bipartisanship and mutualism be achieved.