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The Mass Media

Obama’s executive action is clear-cut


U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about immigration reform while at the Copernicus Community Center in Chicago on Nov. 25, 2014. Republicans are trying to find a way to reserve the president’s executive. 

Among a turmoil of emotions and opinions on immigration reform, President Barack Obama addressed the nation with the White House’s solution to the controversial issue. Both Democrats and Republicans have debated for what seems like eons on the issue, and with Obama’s executive action, the country may have a chance at reform.

“America’s immigration system is broken. The President is taking executive action to fix what he can to help build a system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants,” stated sources from the White House website.

Hard-working immigrants who simply wish to live here in freedom now have that opportunity without the fear of deportation or of being labeled a lower-class citizen.

In order to temporarily stay in the United States without worrying about deportation, undocumented parents and lawful permanent residents must have been here for five or more years, pass a background check, and pay taxes.

Estimates show that this temporary stay would apply to about 4.5 million unauthorized immigrants, according to Pew Research Center.

In addition, to ensure our borders are secure, the President will deploy more resources to strengthen reinforcements and focus on deporting undocumented immigrants who have recently crossed the borders.

Moreover, to increase accountability, the executive action will enact more stringent measures to stop immigration at the borders, focus on deporting felons rather than families, and hold accountable certain undocumented immigrants by requiring they pass a background check and pay taxes.

A larger issue within immigration reform is attributed to minors. Pew Research Center reports that there are 650,000 unauthorized minors without temporary protected status, but it is not clear how long these children have been in the United States, meaning many may have entered after January 2010 and therefore would not be eligible. President Obama’s estimate could be higher or lower.

Although not a complete solution, Obama’s executive action places the country on a path that will enlighten and ease the progress to efficient reform of our country’s immigration system. By ignoring the politics involved and focusing purely on the policies, this action will allow for better reform.