Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation (UCRR) construction crews are again hard at work, for preparation is underway to accommodate the upcoming utility work that will close University Drive South in several weeks. The work will take place throughout the University of Massachusetts Boston campus in November. The university is warning students of increased noise and limited road access.
Beginning the week of Nov. 3, inbound traffic from the Morrissey Boulevard entrance will funnel into two lanes. Bianculli Boulevard inbound will be bifurcated to allow work on painting the double yellow lines, and channelizer posts will be installed.
On the Cove side, work on the road will begin in stages. There will be a vehicle travel lane, then traffic barrels, then a double lane work zone. Following this will be more traffic barrels, then a vehicle travel lane, then jersey barriers on the Boston College High School side.
After the double yellow line painting and channelizer post installation, the bifurcation will come to a close, and inbound traffic will be funneled to the two right lanes of Bianculli Boulevard. However, the painting cannot be accomplished while the road is wet or damp.
The Campus Center lawn has already begun its transformation into a revised plan for vehicle access to allow more space for utilities for the General Academic Building No. 1. A portion cut into the lawn will allow a section of the circle roadway to be closed for construction. All shuttle buses will continue to drop off at the Campus Center.
Additionally, the Quinn Roadway will close to through traffic beginning on Nov. 4. It will not reopen to general traffic and will only remain open for authorized and emergency vehicles.
Drivers who have used the Quinn Roadway for drop-offs must go to the Beacon’s Lighthouse rotary near the Clark Athletic Center lower level entrance. The Clark lower level entrance is handicapped accessible via the Clark elevator.
Below students’ footpaths, in the campus buildings’ substructure, work has begun on connecting utility corridor pipes. This will involve drilling, which will cause increased noise. The drilling must occur for telecom lines in Quinn, Service and Supply, and the Utility Plant, as well as, fire alarm lines in Quinn and Service and Supply.
Work on pipe hangers and supports for utilities has already begun in the Healey and Quinn buildings and will continue into the McCormack and Wheatley buildings.
A vast number of trees have been removed from campus grounds to accommodate construction crews. The next two phases will begin the week of Nov. 24, which includes trees around the National Archives building, Columbia Point Road, and the walkway to the Harborwalk across Mount Vernon Street from the T-Gate.
Careful consideration has been given to complement the new and enhanced campus landscape. More than 600 trees will be added, which is a myriad more than the campus had previously.