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The Mass Media

More to look forward to after Spring Welcome Week


The recent involvement fair that took place on the 1st floor of the Campus Center from February 2, 2023.Photo by Caitlin Feest / Mass Media Contributor. 

The UMass Boston campus has once again sprung to life as students returned to campus for a new Spring semester. The university and student organizations commenced their welcome week activities on Jan. 23 with a bunch of fun and informative events for new and returning students.

The Students Arts and Events Council—along with other campus partners—organizes fun, engaging and informative events to foster an active campus community and encourage students to explore numerous opportunities on campus. The Spring semester’s Welcome Week theme was “Journey to the Unknown,” emphasizing the idea of students embarking on this exciting journey known as college.

The campus activities kicked off with Chancellor’s welcome at the Campus Center, where he greeted and welcomed students. Throughout the week, there were multiple activities planned by SAEC, some of which were escape rooms and free materials to make customized resin rings and keychains. Complimentary food like coffee, cupcakes and merch was distributed to the students during these events. One of the week’s most exciting events was the free Boston Bowl trip, which SAEC sponsored.

Apart from these fun, celebratory events, there were informational ones too. On-campus clubs and organizations signed up for the WOW Information Tables. U-ACCESS, Dining Services, Jumpstart, Academic & Career Engagement and Success Center, and Office of Student Leadership and Community Engagement were a few of many on-campus organizations tabling during the welcome week.

On Thursday, Feb. 2, there was a Volunteer Fair on the Campus Center Terrace where around twenty nonprofits present on-campus organizations tabled to provide information about volunteer and internship opportunities across the Greater Boston Area. Strong Women, Strong Girls; MASSPIRG; My Brother’s Keeper; UMass Boston, et cetera, were present at the Volunteer Fair.

When asked about student participation and presence at the Volunteer Fair, Kaley Whipkey, a sophomore studying Criminology, said, “the Volunteer Fair successfully brought together relevant and interesting groups from on and off-campus. However, student engagement and attendance was lower than we saw in the fall; perhaps from lack of advertisement. I think overall the fair was organized and well put together, but outreach was ineffective.” Whipkey is also a Co-Chapter Director of Strong Women, Strong Girls on campus.

Some exciting events to look forward to are the Pat Peak’s Trip, Students Activities Involvement Fair, Spring Vendor Fair, Museum of Science: Night on the Town, and many more offered by various clubs and groups on campus. The Pat Peak’s Trip is a ski trip to New Hampshire, and the tickets for the March 14 trip will be on sale from Feb. 6. UMass Boston students can buy a ticket for $45 that will include transportation to and from Pat’s Peak and ski or snowboard rentals. UMass Boston staff can buy one ticket for $65.

On Tuesday, Feb. 7, a small involvement fair will be held for students. Student clubs and groups will set up tables to spread the word about on-campus involvement opportunities. Some clubs to look out for are Student Centers, Desi Students Association, Pakistani Students Association, Vietnamese Students Association, Art Club, and Art for Mental Health, among others. If you are looking for educational organizations and fraternities, Undergraduate Student Government, Graduate Student Government, Sport Leadership and Administration Student Association, and Phi Delta Epsilon are a few of many. Interfaith Campus Ministry, Christians on campus, and more are some religious clubs and organizations you can join on campus.

Museum of Science: Night On The Town is another exciting event planned exclusively for UMass Boston students and staff. All the UMass Boston students get up to four free hand stamps with their UMass Boston ID and the Museum of Science to spend a beautiful winter evening with friends and family.
To know more about ticket sales and upcoming events on and off campus, log in to UMBeInvolved, the Student Organization Portal. You can also follow @umbsaec and @umassboston_sal on Instagram for updates and exclusive giveaways! Have a great Spring semester, Beacons!

About the Contributor
Kaushar Barejiya, News Editor