The sequel to the 2010 hit-comedy “Hot Tub Time Machine” is arriving to cinemas this weekend. This second installment is similar to the first as the audience watches the same group of friends get into trouble after using their hot tub—which is also a time machine.
“Hot Tub Time Machine 2” has the same main cast as the original, except for John Cusack. What the film lacks in John Cusack it makes up for with Adam Scott, who plays the character of Cusack’s son in the film.
The movie begins with Lou (Rob Corddry), Nick (Craig Robinson), and Jacob (Clark Duke) still relishing in the fame and fortune they gained and benefited from their knowledge of the present when they used the time machine to go back to the ’80s. The trio ends up finding themselves back in the hot tub for another adventure, but this time they head 10 years into the future.
Their trip to the future causes the three of them to be faced with less than ideal circumstances. Lou has the worst falling out of all, as he learns that his wife will end up divorcing him. As the group returns to the present to try to change their futures, Lou gets shot and the trio has to use the time machine to prevent his death.
After travelling back to the future, Adam Jr. helps Nick, Jacob, and Lou alter the future to keep Lou from being murdered. The task proves to be a difficult one yet again, as every choice they make effects the world around them in some way.
The sequel keeps up the same quick and sometimes even vulgar comedy from the original. The film is ultimately a fun adventure comedy about a friendship revolving around a magical hot tub.
“Hot Tub Time Machine 2″ opens in theaters on Feb. 20.
‘Hot Tub Time Machine 2’ Goes Back in Time
February 20, 2015