The changes appear to be on their way in Boston. New president of Baseball Ops, Dave Dombrowski, certainly has made it clear that the Red Sox do not intend to stand pat this offseason after another finish at the bottom of the AL East for the club. Dombrowski was recently quoted saying that the Sox “haven’t eliminated anything” for this offseason. This statement does not appear to be a bluff, as Dombrowski made a huge acquisition late on the evening of November 13 when he acquired one of the game’s best closers in Craig Kimbrel. Kimbrel is an elite talent and put up 36 saves and a 2.58 ERA last season with the Padres. Kimbrel is certainly a major pickup for a bullpen that couldn’t find any kind of chemistry to maintain leads. However, Red Sox Nation has to wonder if this is just one in what could be an offseason of many moves.