It’s that glorious time of year again – the ending of an era of sand, sun, and freedom in exchange for a world of textbooks, tests, and anxiety. But hold on folks, just because it’s time to get a little bit serious again does not mean you need to give up on having fun or doing the things you love most.
If you happen to be a big music and art junky, it’s time to get your creative juices flowing for Boston Calling’s Blank Canvas contest!
The competition is meant to help artists get exposure by showing their art at Boston Calling’s September 2015 music festival to more than 20,000 people. Artists can submit from anywhere in the United States. Five pieces will be selected to be a physical art installation during the festival.
Artists need to send an 8.5″ x 11″ sketch, PDF, or electronic document to [email protected] or mail their entries to Crash Line Productions 4 South Market Building Suite 5055 Boston MA, 02109. Submissions need to list the artist’s name, address, and date of birth.
Each qualifier must then create their work on a canvas no larger than eight feet long by six feet tall when finished and stretched over a wooden backed frame.
There will be four qualified sketches selected by an in-house team at Crash Line Productions, and one winner that is selected by the audience via online votes. All five qualifiers will each get 750 dollars in cash, 250 dollars for artist supplies, and four VIP festival passes for all three days of the festival. Extra costs that may be needed for producing, creating, and moving canvases must be covered by the artist.
The deadline for sketch submissions is at 12:00pm on September 8th, 2015. The artists of qualified submissions will be contacted by September 10th, 2015.
If you are an artist who would like to get your work out there to a giant audience, or just want a creative challenge and an opportunity to see some awesome live music, enter the contest ASAP!
Good luck to all!
Boston Calling Music Festival Hosts Art Contest
The ever-popular September festival will put 5 winning art installations for 20,000 festival goers to see. The opportunity, including a large cash prize, is a way of promoting local and natural artists.
September 3, 2015