Elections for the Undergraduate Student Government concluded on Thursday, April 5, with a total of 768 votes, all cast online. These numbers mark an improved turnout compared to 2011, when only 502 students voted. 1,290 students voted in 2010, the last year in which voting by paper ballots was offered.
Jesse Wright, currently Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, won the presidential race. Alexis Marvel beat incumbent Bianca Baldassarre for student trustee.
Losing presidential candidate Gary Uter was deducted 6.5 percent of his votes for posting flyers in non-designated areas, and an additional 2 percent for removing the postings of another candidate, according to USG Chief Justice Shani Walker.
Losing trustee candidate Bianca Baldassarre also lost votes to penalties. She was deducted 2.5 percent of her votes for improper posting, and an additional 1 percent for turning in an expense form late.
In both cases, the penalties did not affect the final results of the elections.
Election results will take effect in May.
Wright/Worthey’s Statement
As President and Vice President [elect] we want to share our gratitude to the students of University of Massachusetts Boston who voted in this year’s Student Elections. You made the effort to vote and choose candidates that you support and believe can make a genuine difference in your University’s community. That proactive behavior motivates Jesse and I to get to work immediately and begin fighting for students and our university.
To Gary and Ignacio, it was a challenging pleasure running against such passionate candidates. As a team you showed a natural connection with the diverse personality of our campus. We hope to continuing working with you as student leaders so that together we may unify and inspire the rights and voices of every student at our university. It is an absolute honor to win this election, but what is even more rewarding is having the belief and support of the students that we will be warriors for their cause and for the future of UMass.
Marvel’s Statement
It’s an honor to have been elected, and I sincerely thank everyone for their support. Together, we’ll ensure that our voices are heard, and that the policies and budget of this university will be made in the interest of those who are most essential to its existence – the students!
Uter & Chaparro’s Statement
The Mass Media received the following statement: “Thank you to everyone who has participated in this year’s election. It was an interesting and eye opening experience. A special thank you to all of those who supported the Uter/Chaparro campaign. We truly appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. Most importantly, best wishes and continued success to the student body of the UMass Boston going forward.”