Campus Police to Offer Self-Defense Training for Women If you are a woman and you have ever been fearful about walking around alone at night or you just want to empower yourself and learn some valuable skills, then the R.AD. training be offered by Campus Police may be for you. R.A.D, or Rape Aggression Defense, training is a 12-hour basic defense course involving classroom and book instruction, practical instruction and optional simulation training. The optional simulation training, which takes place in the final class, more or less means using any of the techniques you have learned to beat the hell out of a simulated attacker in a padded suit. Classes will be held in the Aerobics room at the Beacon Fitness Center in the McCormack building and will meet from 5-8:30pm on April 16, 16, 22 and 23. There is $10 certification fee with a UMB ID, but who can really put a price on the piece of mind that comes with knowing how to defend yourself? To sign up, send emails to either Paul Parlon ([email protected]) or Din Jenkins ([email protected]), or apply in person at the Public Safety Office on the plaza level of Quinn.
Registration Open for New UMB Alert Emergency Notification SystemAt a commuter school like UMass Boston, dissemination of key information is always a problem, whether it be alerting students to snow days or notifications about anything from bomb threats to fires to tidal waves. The answer to this problem is UMB’s new emergency alert system. All students are strongly encouraged to register online and customize their emergency alert notification profile either at the table in the Campus Center, which will be on the first floor terrace (April 8-10), or by going to the website. In customizing their profiles, students can choose from a number of options for how they would like to be notified including text messaging, emails, or by cell phone. Students can also change, update, or remove their contact information at any time.