Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Noam Chomsky will be the featured speaker at a forum on human rights violations in Colombia from 4-7 PM on Wedenesday, December 12 in the Faculty Club at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
The forum, “Colombia, A Human Rights Disaster,” is the second in what its organizers, the UMB Human Rights Working Group (HRWG), hopes will be an ongoing series on human rights issues.
Joining Professor Chomsky at the December 12th event will be Gérman Plata Díaz, a speaker from one of the war torn zones of Colombia. Professor Winston Langley, a human rights expert from UMB will be the moderator.
The HRWG group is composed of faculty, students, staff, and human right activists whose goal is to establish a human rights center and human rights program, sponsor human rights forums, and carry out other human rights related activities. It next meets on Friday November 9th from 12-2PM in Wheatley 4-141. If you would like to join the HRWG please come to that meeting or contact Clark Taylor at [email protected] or 617-287-7364.
The HRWG proposal for a Human Rights Center and Human Rights program will be reprinted in the next edition of the Mass Media. It has already been endorsed by many faculty members, students and staff. Others who would like to endorse it should send an email message to [email protected] which includes their department, major, staff position, or organization.