A group of students from the student senate, student centers and other organizations, along with support from Student Life met Monday afternoon to coordinate a series of events in response to the relief needs in NYC and DC. The group discussed the many needs that have been expressed by search and recovery groups and families of victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The group decided to keep it simple and focussed in hopes to have a greater impact from the UMass Boston efforts. The CFO of Peabody Office Furniture has offered to ship all non-perishable foods collected to the Salvation Army warehouses where goods are being collected and distributed as quickly as possible. In response to this offer, the group voted to organize a non-perishable food drive. Collection boxes will be posted on campus next week. The group also recognized the efforts of the WB56 Disaster Relief Fund. Although there were a number of funds to choose from, the WB56 Fund was chosen because of its being a Massachusetts based company offering to direct 100% of the monies to New York City, Washington D.C. and Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Not only are they providing a base for collection, they are also matching .50 cents on the dollar. The schedule and location of these events will be posted across campus during the upcoming days.
Collection stations will be set up on the first floor lobbies of McCormack and Wheatley from 9:00am to 7:00pm. Anyone wishing to man a station or to help with the relief effort, should contact Heather Dawood at 7-7970.