Yu-Gi-Oh Tourney brings crime wave to Campus Center
9/11 8:14 AMIndividual stepped on item in the stairwell outside of the Wheatley building. Campus Safety escorted them to Health Services
9/11 10:45 AMUnruly party in Healey Library computer lab. Gone when police arrived
9/11 3:10 PMFire alarm set off by smoke detector in Science Center. Everything was fine.
9/11 3:31 PMSuspicious package seen in beacon parking lot. A thorough police check revealed cinderblocks wrapped in cloth. If you are missing your cinderblocks wrapped in cloth, please report to Campus Police immediately.
9/11 3:59 PMSame fire alarm as earlier went off again due to mechanical malfunction.
9/12 7:46 AMPerson felt ill in Campus Center
9/13 8:41 AMUniversity van involved in accident off- campus. Local police were contacted.
9/14 3:53 PMHigh school students made a disturbance in Healey building, but were gone when police arrived.
9/16 9:19 AMYu-Gi-Oh cards stolen in Campus Center.
9/16 8:54 PMDisturbance reported in Campus Center.
9/16 11:56 PMDue to the high value of the Yu-Gi-Oh cards stolen earlier, the police made another report.
9/17 8:49 AMA car hit a fire hydrant on University Drive West.
9/17 2:40 PMLoud woman made a disturbance in the Campus Center.
9/17 3:58 PMLarceny in Campus Center. Person reporting crime was gone on arrival.
9/17 10:00 PMPolice were called after a fight broke out in the Campus Center Atrium during Yu-Gi-Oh tourney.