Many students, especially those studying business, often question whether or not their academic studies will help them in the real world. The College of Management at UMass Boston strives to ensure that any student studying there will graduate will applicable and useful skills that are desired by employers. Through the programs, seminars and events it offers, the College of management prepares its students for the real world and keeps them from wondering what the advantages of going to school are over real-world job experience.
The College of Management held a widely attended Business Etiquette seminar on March 7 in the Campus Center to enlighten students about the aspect of etiquette in business.
“Something that many students, executives, and even politicians lack are business etiquette skills,” Christy McIntyre, a Student Service Specialist, said.
That’s why she invited Judith Bowman, CEO of Protocol Consultants International located in Massachusetts, to come in to offer her Business Etiquette Training workshop.
Bowman has offered this workshop all over the world. She has been everywhere from CNN to the Food Network speaking about the various workshops that she offers.
The students in attendance learned how to properly introduce themselves, dress, and even walk around business parties with a glass of wine. Food was available and students practiced how to hold a cup, eat and talk while looking professional. Students were taught how to work a room, how to create small talk, how to sit and shake hands. Bowman offered many tips that will not only be useful in the work environment but also in the classroom and in social life.
The students fully understood the message and guidelines that were being passed on to them through the seminar and were seen practicing what they had just learned later while attending a later seminar offered by guest speaker Chris Felipe, a private investor and consultant.
Every seminar offered students had the opportunity to practice their networking and professional skills, although after the success of Bowman’s seminar more training workshops in the future will be geared toward etiquette. The College of Management hopes to have Bowman back to offer another seminar.
This seminar was specifically for students in the Management Achievement Program (MAP), a co-curricular program that is required of undergraduate students admitted to the College of Management first semester or later. Eventually it will be required of the whole College of Management population.
“The reason for the program is because we feel the students already leave with a great education” McIntyre, who also runs MAP, said. “But we want them to be even more employable, and even more polished.” McIntyre works with Career Services and has her students take the workshops and career fairs offered.
MAP is geared toward teaching students things they would not usually learn in the classroom, such as practical professionalism. MAP focuses on topics such as dressing for success, writing a strong resume, interviewing skills and networking. Students who participate in the program can go on a variety of company tours and will hear from numerous guest speakers, presidents and CEOs of companies from all over Boston.
McIntyre wants to continue offering seminars through MAP that focus on first impressions and networking. One such program is Professional Prime Time, where judges evaluate students based on their professional skills.
The next seminar offered will be “Dressing for Success on a Budget,” which will focus on students’ presence in general. Students will also be practicing all that they have learned at the Boston Stock Exchange Tour on April 19. There will also be an audition for the Students Speakers Forum on April 11 where students will debate a topic in business ethics in front of an audience.
McIntyre hopes to have these seminars available to the whole university soon because these guidelines are helpful in any career path. For more information visit the College of Management website and check out their calendar for more upcoming events.