Need Help with that Final Essay?The Healey Library is holding workshops on research tips for all students in the Center for Library Instruction on the fourth floor. They are offering four workshops on Search Tips on Nov. 14, Nov. 27, Dec. 5 and Dec. 11 and one on Nursing and Allied Health Research on Nov. 19. They are holding Drop-in clinics for people who need one-on-one help with a research project as well. These started on Nov. 1 and are scheduled on different days until Dec. 18. For more information, visit the Healey Web site at
Multicultural Harvest FestivalThe Interfaith Campus Ministry is holding Multicultural Harvest Festival and Speak-a-Word Coffee House Open Mic on Nov. 14 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Ryan Lounge on the third floor of McCormack. Food will be available, and students displaying talents in spoken word, free verse, vocals, dance, drumming, instrumental and more will be performing. For more information, call 617-287-5838.
Free Movie on Campus!As part of SAEC’s Movie Night Series, they are showing “The Bourne Ultimatum” on Nov. 13 and Nov. 14 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Campus Center game room. On Nov. 27 and 28, “Pan’s Labyrinth” will be shown in the Campus Center’s third floor ballroom, section C from 5 to 7 p.m.
If You’ve Ever Wanted a Chance at an Amazon Gift Card..The Healey Library wants all students to take a survey on LibQual to help improve the library’s services. The survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete, is online until Nov. 17, and those who participate are entered in an on-campus drawing for a $500 gift certificate for or one of two $200 gift certificates. Emails went out to students on Oct. 22, and a link to the survey is available on the UMass Boston Web site.
Because Facebook, MySpace, and Friends or Enemies Just isn’t Enough..Capazoo, another social networking Web site, launched on Oct. 22. Their selling point is that they offer a business model that allows users to earn “Zoops,” or Capazoo points that can be converted into real cash. Basic membership is free, and membership can be upgraded for an annual fee. For more information, visit