Rape is a recidivist crime, with an average of seven assaults committed by each perpetrator.
There were 200,000 rapes or attempted rapes and 133,000 sexual assaults in the U.S. committed against people 12 and older in 1998.
Given the above number and that Mass. represents 2.3 percent of the nation’s population, the rate of adolescent and adult sexual assault in Mass. alone is approximately 7,645 per year; 637 per month; 21 per day and one per hour.
Black women had higher rape and sexual assault rates than white women and women with lower household income levels had higher rape and sexual assault rates than women with higher income levels in 1998.
88 percent of sexual assault survivors knew the perpetrator.
10 percent of Mass. residents surveyed believe that “it might be ok” to make a spouse have sex without his or her consent.
The number one reason survivors did not report to police from 1994 to 1996 was because of embarrassment, shame, and the desire to keep the assault a secret.
* Facts Provided by Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
local resources for victims of rape & sexual abuseRape Abuse and Incest National Networkwww.RAINN.org 1-800-656-HOPE
Boston Area Rape Crisis Centerwww.BARCC.org (617) 492-7273
Casa Myrna Vasquezwww.casamyrna.org 1-800-992-2600
Jane Doe Inc.www.janedoe.org (617) 248-0922
Fenway Community Health Centerwww.fenwayhealth.org (617) 267-0900
Cambridge Women’s Centerwww.cambridgewomenscenter.org (617) 354-6394