Washed Up Hags Are Fun To WatchLonely women across America are rejoicing this week at the news that the much anticipated “Sex and the City” movie has resumed filming in New York City. All of the aging stars from the show have signed on to appear. The new film will be titled, “Sex and the Assisted Living Home”
Alicia Silverstone Goes ClothlessFormer teen star Alicia Silverstone bares all in a new commercial for animal rights group PETA. In the commercial Silverstone emerges from a pool completely nude saying “I’m Alicia Silverstone, and I’m a vegetarian.” The ad is part of a campaign top promote the health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.
Children Learn the Value of a Hard Day’s Work … and Lower Back Pain.Controversial reality series “Kid Nation” premiered on CBS last week attracting 9.4 million viewers. The show, which revolves around stranding 40 children under the age of 15 in the New Mexico desert, instills values not taught to American children since child labor laws yanked them out of our nations coalmines in the early 20th century.
Game TimeMisdemeanor charges filed against rapper The Game were dismissed last week under the condition that the cranky “How We Do It” singer manages to go six months without another arrest. The charges stem from an incident last November when The Game was arrested for allegedly impersonating an undercover cop.
Colbert Tarnishes HonorRadio host Cenk Uygur of Air America’s horrendously unfunny morning show “The Young Turks” is claiming Stephen Colbert stole his joke about Klingons. Uygur then posted the video of his program on Youtube comparing the two jokes. While the jokes are both about Klingons and the republican presidential candidates there is a major difference in the fact that Uygur’s joke, unlike Colbert’s, was horribly unfunny.