Immediate change in your environment might catch you off guard. Don’t lose your head if thing don’t happen as fast as you want them to. A successful adjustment does not happen overnight, but comes with time.
Your patience and resilience will yield even greater results if you take advice from an older person in your immediate environment. Be on the look out: it can be a parent, a mentor, or your new professor. Be open minded to see the value of any given advice.
The first few weeks of September will require you to WRK and TWRK. If you set the pace right, you will make it easier for yourself to navigate throughout this semester.
Waking up to a new semester will happen in different ways. Try something new, like taking contrasting showers in the morning or experimenting with the upbeat Wake-Up Radio station. That will ensure that your day starts off right.
Try to take creative approaches to every routine task you will be obligated to do. Steady luck in small ventures ensures real success in big endeavors.
Professional development and networking should become your main focus in the time ahead. Consider joining a student organization or a club that always interested you. Taking a leadership role will be your next step if you are already a club member.
This is decision-making time, be ready to be bombarded by things that require your immediate attention. Setting your priorities straight from the start will make your choices easier to make.
When approaching new or existing relationships, try to remember there is a difference between being direct and being harsh in expressing your opinions. A little diplomacy goes a long way.
If being a leader doesn’t feel right, then take the back seat. In your case, implementing ideas of others will be easier and more beneficial for everyone. Torturing your tired brain won’t produce much, anyway.
The resistance to sudden changes in your immediate environment will be challenged by the feeling that you will need to do things differently now. This is the time to resist that urge and stick with what has worked for you so well in the past.
Taking on some new responsibilities might require extra effort on your side. Give yourself a little kick in the rear and keep in mind that even Picasso had to start somewhere before hitting that jackpot and becoming famous.
Your quest for raw data and new information will bring some exciting opportunities. Dig in and get inspired by whatever comes your way, getting lost in the never ending news, social media feed, or your classmates’ blur.
September Horoscopes: 9/1/17-9/8/17
By Aleksandr Zolotov
August 23, 2017