Contrary to popular belief among young people, the Internet has not been around since the invention of the wheel. It’s also not the hackneyed Frankenstein creation of a basement-living 30 year old.The US Department of Defense’s DAR- PA agency first developed the technology we’ve come to love and depend upon. In celebration of International Internet Day, here’s a quick look at the abridged version of the timeline:1965- Larry Roberts (MIT techie) cre- ates the first two computers that “talked” to one another.1983- The expression “dot com” comes into being when the Domain Name Sys- tem is created to simplify email commu- nication.1995 to 1998- Browsers Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Ex- plorer duke it out. Millions of people listen to the notoriously screechy sounds of dial-up connections (now an infamous meme).1998- Google (a.k.a. Big Daddy) is born.2000- The Dot Com bubble bursts and thrusts the economy into a recession.2001- Napster is sued for music pi- racy. The end of free music as we know it? Nah.2004- The fancy term “Web 2.0” is coined because it sounds so much better.2005- YouTube is launched. Google eats it for breakfast.2010- Facebook surpasses 500 million users worldwide.2099- Prediction: The Internet is installed and runs on our brains. The phrase “In Google We Trust” appears on the US dollar.
Not Built in a Day
By David Chan
| October 25, 2010
| October 25, 2010