1910 This sexy witch, the work of French painter Albert Joseph Penot, appears to be traveling on her broom backwards. Jean Harlow shocked au- diences with her portrayal of a showgirl, who also plays a witch, in the movie “Reckless.” 1927 Ipswich Hosiery used witches in ads for decades, though originally it was an unattractive old hag. In the 1920s the company wisely switched to a sexier version.1939Jean Harlow shocked au- diences with her portrayal of a showgirl, who also plays a witch, in the movie “Reckless.” 1940 In yet another Halloween press release, this time from Universal studios, actress Anne Nagel is showcasing her legs while ap- pearing quite at ease on top of a giant pumpkin. This is the October image from a Brown and Big- elow calendar. The cap- tion reads, “This trick’s a treat.” 1950 This is the October image from a Brown and Big- elow calendar. The cap- tion reads, “This trick’s a treat.” 1964 This witch appeared in the September/October page of Harold’s Club Calendar, with the follow- ing explanation: “Witches were usually pictured as crafty old hags, but as you can see, our own lass has been masquerading in skulduggery. Here she bathes in scented waters, preparing to beguile some hapless male with the wizardry and magic of her charms.” 1971 Long before the ’90s TV series, Sabrina was a be- loved witch, first on “The Archie Comedy Hour” and eventually in her very own show. 1987 Marina Augusta Baker, now a British politician, is also a prac- ticing Wiccan. After posing as a witch for Playboy in the ’80s, she authored two books about witchcraft. 1997 The young witches in “The Craft” use their powers to levi- tate, fight bullying and make cute boys fall in love with them, but things soon get complicated. 2010 Sexy witches costumes are a dime a dozen now- adays.
Witches, A Sexy Time Lin
By Shira Kaminsky
October 25, 2010
About the Writer
Shira Kaminsky served as the following positions for The Mass Media the following years
Editor-in-Chief: Spring 2012; 2012-2013
Managing Editor: Fall 2011
Arts Editor: Fall 2010