Every homemade school lunchhas to be contained somehow, andfor generations two types of productshave dominated the market.Both the brown paper bag and thelunchbox are American classics, butwhich is the better vehicle for yourmidday meal?Here are some simple guidelinesto help you choose the best methodfor you.? S uitability: No one likes asquished sandwich, a bruised banana,or a disfigured candy bar. Askyourself: How vulnerable is thislunch? Does it need the protectionof a hard plastic or tin, or would abrown paper bag suffice?? Attractiveness: If you liketo make a splash, a lunchbox is yourbest bet, as they are available in almostevery color and design. Butif yours is a more understated elegance,consider the timeless simplicityof the brown paper bag.? Volume: If space is a concernof yours, bear in mind that while thelunchbox is solid and unyielding,brown paper bags have the ability toconform to the size and shape of thefood they contain.? M ass: Many students complainabout the weight of their backpacks.If you find yourself rubbingyour shoulders in pain wheneveryou take off your backpack, considerusing the lighter option for storingyour lunch, i.e. a brown paper bag.? Conservation: Eco-friendlinessis a huge trend. While brownpaper bags are usually made of recycledpaper, few of us use them morethan once. The right lunchbox, however,can last for years.
Contain Your Appetite
By Shira Kaminsky
October 11, 2010
About the Writer
Shira Kaminsky served as the following positions for The Mass Media the following years
Editor-in-Chief: Spring 2012; 2012-2013
Managing Editor: Fall 2011
Arts Editor: Fall 2010