“Do please visit us at UMBgov.com. We want your insight and guidance to direct the future and success of the UMass Bos- ton community. If you would like to get more involved go to: UMBgov.com and click “Get Involved.” With the many ways available for you to participate, its easy to accommodate your schedule. I can be reached by email at: [email protected] and by phone at: 617-444-9432. Or meet me at my office on the 2nd floor of the Campus Center, room 2404. My office hours are Tuesdays 3:15-5:15 pm and Thursdays from 3:15-6:15 pm. It is an honor to serve you and I hope to meet many of you in person. I am always inspired by your ideas. Let’s make the UMass Boston community the best it can be.”
Connect With Your USG
| October 25, 2010
| October 25, 2010