Ra Ra Riot makes quite an impression with their second full length album, The Orchard where they effortlessly manage to merge classical instrumentation of cellos and violins with modern rock instruments. Although some people may shy away from the sound of cellos or violins considering it a bit “stuffy”, nothing about The Orchard sounds dated. All of the tracks sound fresh and unique which is mostly due to impeccable arranging. The members of Ra Ra Riot seamlessly play their instruments by weaving them into a single force making nothing seem out of place.
The Orchard begins with a slow introduction giving no hint of what this band is all about. This is mostly due to the fact that not all of the members play on the first track. The second track immediately introduces the listener as to what this band is truly capable of. It opens with energetic drums that goes into one of the coolest bass guitar riffs I’ve ever heard. The other elements of this band come in and they really get going. “Boy” is, in my opinion, the best track on The Orchard.
Although Orchard gets a little slow in the middle, it does a good job of pulling itself together at the end. Overall the songs are well-done and pretty solid. This album is definitely worth a listen, especially the tracks “Boy” and “Too Dramatic.”
Ra Ra Riot is coming to Massachusetts multiple times in the next two months. Check out their tour dates at www.myspace.com/raraiot.