Nearly every major Democratic candidate for president has endorsed the socialist healthcare program known as single-payer healthcare. From Bernie Sanders to Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, democratic nomination-hopefuls have endorsed this evil, socialist and harmful policy. To those who support this socialist policy, I ask you this, are you fine with holding a doctor at gunpoint and forcing him or her to perform a medical procedure, and paying him or her a price that you see fit, not a price that he or she sets? If so, then you clearly support this policy.
As I have stated in previous articles, the free market is the ultimate method of achieving high levels of quality at minimal costs to consumers. Just like any good or service, healthcare is a good and service that is subject to the fluctuations of supply and demand. There are two major health care proposals presented by the progressives of America, including universal healthcare and single-payer healthcare. In my personal opinion, single-payer healthcare is the deadlier proposal. Single-payer healthcare would involve the federal government covering all Americans under one healthcare policy, and setting prices for medication, operations and all things healthcare.
In supporting single-payer health care proposals, politicians say that it would lower prices and assure that everyone has healthcare coverage, regardless of the ability to pay. However, when it comes to any federal government program, administrative and bureaucratic costs are through the roof. While there are many things wrong with single-payer healthcare, I hope to explore each in greater detail and expose people to an opinion that is shunned by the mainstream media, academia and nearly every establishment-politician on the left.
People who encourage single-payer healthcare point to Canada as a success story. However, to call Canada a successful attempt at single-payer healthcare is far from the truth. The Canadian healthcare model is an absolute disaster in every possible way. In 2017, 1,040,791 procedures were on wait-lists. In 2017, nearly 65,000 Canadians left Canada to get adequate healthcare. (1) Again, any program with no competition, such as a single-payer healthcare system, objectively raises costs and decreases quality.
Stay tuned for more follow-up articles surrounding this topic. And, if you ever want to reach out to Rex Maverick, you can email me at [email protected]. In future weeks, I may address requests, comments or concerns that you present to me.
Single-Payer Healthcare Pt. 1
By Rex Maverick
[email protected]
March 28, 2019