The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) has been the best thing I have done in my college career. When I started college in 2017, I was looking to get involved somehow and received an email that USG was having a special election and students could apply now. I took that chance and was the best choice I made. I started out as a Senator in the Student Events and Organizations Committee where I worked with a few clubs and reviewed their budget requests for events they planned out. This allowed me to get to know other students on campus and see what the clubs were about. Even now, as SEOC chair, I am able to continue my work with the clubs on our campus and I am constantly amazed by what our students are capable of doing. We have so many clubs and each one has something they want to achieve with their club. USG gave me an avenue to pursue things I am passionate about and explore how I can bring change. For example, Open Educational Resources (OER) is something that I have been working on with the Speaker of USG, along with other students and members of our campus. Without USG I would not know about OER and how to get our professors to adopt OER (which they should). OER are low-cost to free online resources that professors can use for their classes. This is beneficial to students because they would not need to buy expensive books or older versions of textbooks. Most students don’t buy their course textbooks because of cost and tend to not do well in that course. OER Plug: If you want your professor to learn more about OER then encourage them to attend the OER session on Tuesday, March 5 in CC 2540 from noon–1:30 PM. If you want to learn more about OER please stop by CC 2540 from noon–1:30 PM on Wednesday, March 6, there WILL be food. Help make OER a reality at UMass Boston!
USG Experience
March 4, 2019