As both an opinions writer and a University of Massachusetts Boston student, I have been very interested in the plans of improvement the school currently has underway and has scheduled for the future. Most changes we are currently seeing are small construction projects, such as fixing pathways, corridors, etc. around the campus. And although most projects have been halted due to snow, these projects will pick up in full force when the weather is clearer.
Now, I believe I know a good amount of the information on the 25-year master plan and current projects being performed. However, I have not been able to completely reflect on what I, as a student, want to see UMass Boston improve upon.
To start, as many people continue to notice and critique UMass Boston, I would really like to see them work on updating the very outdated academic buildings, such as the McCormack and Wheatley halls, that we have. This is not to say a complete renovation—the outside or the buildings themselves—of the academic buildings, but I would like to see more improvement on the actual interior of the buildings. For me, the classrooms are outdated with middle- or high-school chairs and desks and dinosaur-like projectors that don’t function properly most of the time. Simple things such as these truly change the atmosphere of a classroom, and if they were updated, it would create a more put-together, comforting space for both students and professors. Not to mention, with the University Hall and the Integrated Sciences Complex being more modern additions to the campus and being more desirable in the eyes of students, there arises a feeling of dread when students read on their schedule that their classes are going to be in Wheatley or McCormack Hall. I believe that this would change if the interior of these buildings were updated and treated and cared about as equally as the newer buildings we have here on campus.
Furthermore, aside from the physical changes I would like UMass Boston to improve upon, I would also like to see UMass Boston’s ‘college culture’ to be developed and contributed more to. I did enjoy the small activities the school put on and the different events that they planned to get students involved last semester. However, I would like to see even more planning go into the clubs we have on campus, the games we have and how to get more people involved, and the hands-on activities and events that are put on for the student body. Moreover, I would also like to see UMass Boston refine their academic programs and possibly expand more on academic clubs, chapters, etc. With more possible academic opportunities of growth and recognition, I believe that the overall academic performance of students would be positively impacted and would flourish than it already currently is.
All in all, I believe that if the school were to focus on and improve both the physical and non-physical aspects of this campus equally, UMass Boston would grow to be a very strong academic and community-oriented campus and would truly put it among the top-ranked colleges. We have a great foundation to build on: The professors here are amazing and truly care about the students they are teaching, the student body is growing and becoming more diverse, and the location is perfect and only a short T ride from the city. There are many reasons as to why UMass Boston is a great place and school, and it will only get better if these things are taken into consideration for the upcoming plans.
Thoughts On Campus Construction
March 16, 2019