Dear bunny,
Today I woke up to find a shredded stuffed animal at the foot of my bed. Are you trying to communicate something to me? I don’t own any stuffed animals, and neither do any of my roommates. Where did this come from, and what does it mean? I’ll be nervously awaiting your reply.
Dear bunny,
Today was a good day, I think. I was aware of you watching me rather intensely from your pen, but when I approached the pen to say hello you suddenly turned and acted as if you were never looking. I’m not sure what I did to deserve the cold shoulder. I would have put some ice cream in your bowl as a peace offering, but I’m pretty sure you’re lactose intolerant. I hope you want to be friends, bunny. I am open to being friends. I could even pet you a few times a day, and you could eat my socks. I believe in us, bunny.
Your friend(?),
Dear bunny,
You bit me today while I was trying to stop you from ripping up the carpet. It’s alright, I understand. You were scared, and you lashed out. I want you to know you don’t have to be ashamed.
With love,
Dear bunny,
Remember when you bit me a few days ago? I would never bring it up without good reason, I promise. It’s just that I’ve been noticing some strange changes. Last night I thought that my nose had grown pinker, and that my arms are covered in a thin layer a white fur, and that there’s an unusual spring in my step. I’m trying not to panic, I’m sure it’s just my imagination.
Sleep well,
Dear bunny,
This morning, that “spring in my step” has grown quite intense. While walking to the bathroom, my head nearly touched the ceiling. I don’t know what to do. Was this your intention, to make me just like you? What was the purpose of that? Can bunnies talk to one another at all?
Dear bunny,
I fear that I may soon not be able to write these letters. With each passing hour, my fingers glue themselves more tightly together. I am so furry, bunny. I am constantly sneezing. How can one be allergic to oneself? If one is a bunny, that’s how! I dare not speak those words out loud. My ears are so long, bunny. I can hear so well. Please save me from this fate.
Send help,
Dear Bunny,
I am writing this letter by holding the pen in my mouth, so excuse my handwriting. I have no concept of what I look like any longer. I do not despise this life. I can jump so high, higher than I’ve ever jumped before. Suddenly, everything looks so delicious. The carpet, the table legs … even that weird hay you eat. It all looks like chocolate to me. This life is not so bad. However, I must admit, bunny, that I am scared to face you. We are now the same size, and I still do not understand your intention with me. Do you hate me, do you seek revenge, or did you simply want a friend? I must find out. Meet me next to the big white cold thing on the tile plain, and we’ll talk.