After the heartbreaking devastation created by the Haitian earthquake, Underground Railway Theater in collaboration with Boston University’s Playwright theater have crafted a production that reminds audiences of the beauty and song that flowed from the island.
Ti- Jean and His Brothers was written by playwright and poet Derek Wallcott in the late 1950s. Yet, the words and music he helped produce still have the ability to inspire. Wallcott’s story unfolds like a fairy tale.Ti- Jean and his two brothers . But at every turn they are mindful of thier mother’s warnings of the omnipresence of the devil.
Walcott’s play is both an ode to the folklore of the islands and an allegory about the effects of colonization on the islands. He play draws both from his upbringing on the island of and the conventions of Haitian storytelling. Krik, Krak often yelled out by the actors is a common way to begin or end a story in the tradition.
Megan Sandberg- Zakian’s direction the audience is never bored. Her use of the space and double casting techniques leave viewers sitting of the edge of their seat. The actors enter and The set designed by Sara Ossana engulfs the tiny black box theater. She transforms the small room in to a dense jungle, the highlight of the set is an enormous burlap tree whose branches extend almost the legnath of the theater.
The cast does an amazing job. It is an ensamable work. While each individual has their own, they all share the task of playing the role of the devil. Even with the last minute addition of Ramon Lisa Alexander, the group seems to work seamlessly as one. The cast is youthful and vibrant. Watching them perform is sure to leave you breathless. Not once hindered by Wallcott’s heavy use of patois in the dialogue.
The respective theater companies have come together to trasnport viewers to Haiti. In the lobby of the Central Square Theater a small art show. The sixteen paintings curated by dipict the various movements of of Haitan Art. Every week that the show is running a talk back is schdualed. This allows audience member the opertunity to discus the play with both the actors in it as well as local scholars.
For those of you who have never experinced Haitiian culture. Or if you want to reconnect with your Caribean roots, Ti- Jean and his Brothers promises to be a wonderous night at the theater.
Ti Jean and his Brothers is playing at the Central Square Theater. Tickets cost $20 with your Student ID.