Last week UMB hosted its first annual Public Safety Week. It included various workshops including a Rape Aggression Defense demonstration and an Active Shooter Awareness session.
Here are some Active Shooter Awareness tips for those of you who missed out:
•If anything sounds like a gunshot, assume that it is a gunshot and trust your instincts.
•Figure out what the situation is and plan a way to get out. If you cannot get out, look at your surroundings and see if there’s any place you can hide.
•If you manage to get out or hide, call the police. Let them know where you are, what the shooter looks like, how many there are, and the type of weapon they’re using.
•If you are hiding with a group of other people, remember to spread out. Do not all huddle in one place for this makes the group an easy target for the shooter.
•Discuss what you guys will do if a shooter finds you. Act as at team; together you can take the shooter down.
•An untrained person in an active shooter situation might feel panic, then denial or shock. While a trained person will feel anxiousness, they will react to the situation. Your goal is to react before it is too late. It is essential that you remain mindful, not fearful.
Usually an active shooter situation is over before law enforcement arrives. Prepare yourself for the future. Take a look around your classrooms for the nearest exits and places that can be used as hiding spots.
If you ever find yourself in an Active Shooter situation, call 911 or Public Safety at 617-287-1212. You might even want to have that on speed dial!