With the largest budget of any autonomous student run organization on campus, the Student Arts and Events Council (SAEC) organizes the major events at UMB. They coordinate and plan Free Fun For Everyone, the walk in movies, and offer discounted tickets for museums and local shows at the Student Activities desk. Meet Izzy Pulido and Zach McCoubry, two of the student leaders in SAEC. Zach McCoubry is an actor and a musician in his free time. And as far as music he likes everything from Jazz to 70s progressive rock to contemporary punk. “I like most kinds of music that I’ve heard,” he said. Before he worked in SEAC, McCoubry was an orientation leader. That’s where he met the two previous SAEC coordinators and they convinced him to join up. “I saw how much they enjoyed the aspects of it, and the following semester I joined, and volunteered for a year, until I got the position that I have now,” he elaborated. As one of the SAEC coordinators, McCoubry organizes events on campus, and helps Pulido with flyer designs. Sophomore Izzy Pulido designs the SAEC pamphlets and fliers, so she’s constantly working on Photoshop at her desk on the second floor of the Campus Center. She started working for SAEC last year, as a freshman, after her roommate told her about the networking opportunities that the Council offers. Pulido joined mainly to make friends and to meet new people. “I like having that sense of community,” She said in an interview last week that took her away from boxing up fliers for Welcome Week. “I like socializing, so it’s a good way to meet people and be a part of something more than just academics.” Most of her free time ends up going into UMB in some capacity. She also volunteers at the Disabilities Service Center at the base of the Campus Center, and over the summer she has been volunteering at a soup kitchen in Beverly. When she’s not doing service work, Pulido reads incessantly. And she blushed when she said she reads mostly romance novels. “It’s kind of sappy,” she added. The last book she read was The Professor and the Bad Men, a story about the creation of the Oxford Dictionary.
Zach McCoubry chilling at his desk