For the past couple of years, the Republicans have been… difficult to deal with. They have shut down the government, prevented much needed gun control laws to pass, and generally have just not been doing their jobs. In short — they are a bunch of brats that never should have passed preschool, let alone have been elected to help run the United States of America.
So it was really no surprise that after Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died, the Republicans proceeded to throw another temper tantrum about President Obama getting to choose the next justice. After all, it’s not like getting to choose the next Supreme Court Justice is part of the President of the United States’ job description or anything… oh wait. Yes it is.
Now the Republicans have decided that instead of doing their own jobs, they’re going to prevent President Obama from doing his. I guess the word “hypocrisy” isn’t in the Republicans’ vocabulary.
The very fact that the Republicans were refusing to even consider anyone President Obama nominated is ridiculous. Again, by doing this, the Republicans are not doing their job. You know what would happen if I didn’t do my job? I would get fired. It’s a shame we can’t fire politicians as easily as we can fire retail workers.
However, just because the Republicans are refusing to consider President Obama’s nominee, that hasn’t stopped the president from nominating Merrick Garland. But is Merrick Garland the person President Obama really wanted to nominate? Or is he just compromising with the Republicans?
Honestly, at this point it doesn’t really matter. President Obama could nominate Jesus Christ himself and the Republicans would still throw a hissy fit about it.
To the Republicans: Let President Obama Do His Job!
March 20, 2016