Deadpool here. You’re probably wondering if Emily’s review is an accurate description of my movie, so I’m going to review my own movie, too. I give the review an E for Effort because she made the E for Everyone rated version. Speaking of ratings, I’m very much an R kind of superhero: “r” for R-Rating, or “r” for ravishing, raving (mad), some say raunchy, and others–Colossus–say reckless. He’s just jealous that he doesn’t get a title movie. Why is my movie so good? Because I told the studios to make the movie my way, and they saw things my way because I’m the guy with the katanas. I more or less crashed Fox Studios’ employee BBQ and hosted it for them Benihana style — with katanas. I mean, I even made sure yours truly got the girl, because in my comics I never get the girl. I know, it’s not fair, but who could say no to that Ryan Reynolds? Even on a bad day he is an angel, and I’m not being biased because we are two “different” and “unrelated” people. Negasonic Nondescript-age Deadpool Warhead, out (I’m trying out this really cool name I heard; working title).
Deadpool Reviews His Own Movie
By by Deadpool as himself
February 21, 2016