o.k., check this out!I hope that you are aware of this. colombia point was built on an old city dump/military dump. notice the big fans down in the parking garages. they probably don’t work still. they are supposed to kick on when the decomposition gases surpass state limits….they have not worked for a long time (maintenence personell brought this to my attention in 1990.they where too expensive to maintain. if they are working, i stand corrected.but i doubt they are.the result was the build up of gases in the upper levels of the library and other upper levels.-u-mass is an inclosed inviroment system. it does not meet EPA PROTECTION STANDARDS-check out the med. records for people fainting in the library w/no known cause.
also, what about the old pump station? there were confirmed plans to convert it int0 a student union. check out the MASS MEDIA archieves 1990-1993.(or around that time for pertinent stories.)