This past week we saw the beginning of something
big. How big, we will have to wait and see.
This past Monday, March 4, many students, representing a wide-spectrum of student organizations, met in the Wheatley Lounge to discuss the recent fee hikes and possible opposition. (page one-Enough is Enough!)
First, they hit us with a “one-time only” fee hike of $350 in December. Then they hit us with another $650 for the upcoming academic year.
Well, we’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore.
If politicians think that UMass Boston students are going to sit back passively while they jack-up the cost of public education, this meeting is evidence that it’s not going to happen.
Though we had a reporter at the meeting, The Mass Media also had members present as participants and representatives of our organization. Many other clubs and organizations had members present, and more are rapidly joining the burgeoning coalition.
This action by students demanding support for public education is overdue, and justified. Massachusetts has a long history of supporting quality, affordable public education and these students are continuing this tradition.
While we certainly support any opposition to the recent fee hikes, we are also exhilarated by the student action we are witnessing.
The organizational efforts of the students involved, and the support for those students’ efforts that we have seen already, demonstrate the energy that the students of UMass Boston are capable of when called to action.
We will be watching, and participating, as these efforts unfold, and we will certainly report on any progress or setbacks this movement encounters.
Whatever the outcome, we support organized actions by UMass Boston students. Both this call for action-and others.