Saturday, June 1
Bayside Exposition Center, Boston, MA
* Schedule:
General Procession: 10:30am
Main Ceremony: 11:00am
Graduates should arrive by 9:30am
Please enter through the West Lobby entrance of the Bayside Expo Center. You can easily reach this from the Expo Center parking area off Mt. Vernon Street. The lineup will begin at 10:00am and the academic procession at 10:30am.
Guests should arrive by 10:00am; this will give them time to find their seats. Guests will not be seated during the academic procession, which begins at 10:30am.
* Traffic Concerns
Traffic will be very heavy on commencement day. We urge you to use public transportation if at all possible. If you must drive, please arrive early and allow plenty of time for your trip. You may wish to park in the university garage. A free shuttle service typically runs between between the campus and the Expo Center.
* Photography
For the convenience of everyone, graduates should not stop and pose on stage as they receive their degrees. Guests should remain seated during the ceremony. Professional photographers will be taking a photograph of your moment of recognition on stage. You will be contacted at your home address and given an opportunity to purchase prints, but are not obliged to do so.
* Further Celebrations:
Honors Convocations (Awards Ceremonies)
College of Arts and Sciences: Wednesday, May 29, 7:00pm, Science Center, 2nd floor, Lipke Auditorium. (Reception in McCormack Cafeteria. Invitation required for admission.) Phone: 617-287-6550
College of Management: Wednesday, May 29, 5:00pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Ryan Lounge. (Reception and Awards Ceremony) Phone: 617-287-7700
College of Nursing: Wednesday. May 22, 5:00pm, Science Center, 2nd floor, Lipke Auditorium. (Pinning Ceremony) Phone: 617-287-7500
College of Public and Community Service: Friday May 17, 7:00pm, Healey Library, 11th floor, University Club. (Graduation Ceremony and Dinner) Phone: 617-287-7100
Gerontology Institute: Tuesday, May 28, 4:00pm, Wheatley Hall, Snowden Auditorium, 1st Floor. (Reception in Wheatley Cafeteria) Phone: 617-287-7300
Graduate Studies and Research: Thursday, May 30, 5:30pm, Science Center, 2nd floor, Lipke Auditorium and Science Center, 1st Floor, Small Science Auditorium. (Reception in McCormack Cafeteria) Phone: 617-287-5700.
Public Affairs M.S. Program Graduation and Awards Ceremony: Sunday, June 2, noon, Healey Library, 11th Floor, Faculty Club. Phone: 617-287-5543