I respond To the Editor:About your “editorial” on the Janitorsnovember 21,2002
1.-In late October we all read s about the victorious SEIU and f how the janitors had finally won r their much-deserved contracts. But t what we didn’t hear about was how I the bureaucrats had left the workers t in the dust from the beginning to 1 the end of this “labor movement”. 1 The purpose of a union is to institute “shop floor” democracy and t give the real producers of wealth 1 control. What the members of the 1 SEIU received however was a “top t floor” dictatorship. ~ 2.-Our sources at Fidelity lnvestments recalled a conversation in which a SEIU janitor asked, “How can I begin to organize my fellow workers?” She was not aware that she was being represented already, after all if she was why doesn’t she have health care and decent wages? Our source from New England Financial told us of a similar experience in which they did not realize their local had voted to go on strike! How can a union have members who do not know they are members? This blatant disregard for workers being educated about their union position is a slap in the face to anyone who pays dues, which go to the salaries of their bureaucratic representatives! From the very beginning it seemed as if the workers from SEIU were the last things on bureaucratic minds. Immediately after the vote to strike a plan was set out and any input from the rank and file was denied. Some shop- floor democracy! The bosses were initially given 30 days notice of the strike. Whatever the rational behind this move we will never know. However what we do know is that the bosses were given 30 days of the strike put adds in major Boston newspapers for scab hiring to replace striking workers, and they were given 30 days to stockpile supplies which were delivered by union companies I 3.-“Since they would not be available For delivery once the strike took place. This “collaboration” with the bosses is a direct attack upon Union strategy and the power of the strike. When the strikes finally began the SEIU collaborated once again with the bosses and negated the workers. Workers were never told of procedural agenda and when told it was after and not before the bosses were told! Why? As ~explained earlier, the heads of the SEIU did not trust their workers, the ones that are supposed to be benefiting from this mind you. In one instance at Northeastern University the strikers were set up on one side and a special entrance for scab workers was set up elsewhere. Who can blame the workers for not trusting them? We met with a financial analyst from Segal Co.; they handle a great deal of AFL-CIO branches pensions funds. Our source stated that the SEIU was offered “professional” advice to set up a picket line at the company because it would freeze all work being done on many union .. pension accounts. This would have raised tremendous pressure on the corporations to settle with the workers. Yet as our source tells us the SEIU ignored this strategy; in order to avoid political friction. , “The SEIU bureaucrat’s seemed to 1 be more concerned with their media image than with their workers set- ting up effective picket lines,” our 1 source at Segal stated. ‘The constant 1 emails to students asking for volunteers to get arrested seemed to be a 1 more media oriented tactic than a labor tactic. Apparently blocking off I a road gets more time on the news than workers setting up 1 ,000 picket , lines and shutting down business.” c Coupled with this failure to set up j an effective picket line at Segal I and other such companies within Boston, the SEIU applauded the State House when they terminated UNICCO’S contract. This was not an act of solidarity, as the SEIU explained to the media, but an act of coward ness in order to avoid a picket line on Beacon Hill. As a side note we will be anxious to see if a union company wins the bid for the Beacon Hill contract. 4.-We are not writing this to “trash” anyone but to trash the alienation of the workers by big business unions who act in self- interest and not worker interest. We cannot achieve health care for all workers, livable wages, and job security when we have union bosses and corporate bosses collaborating and leaving out the workers. Union workers here at UMASS-Boston are being held hostage by these same types of people, except the corporate bosses are on Beacon Hill. How long must our union workers pay dues to a leeching organization without their interests being keep as the top priority? Why should a force of 10,000 janitors settle with the bosses and have only 1,000part timers receiving health care beginning in 2005! What worth does a 5- year contract have when the benefit of health care does not occurs for another 3 years1 The workers are not an inconvenience to the labor unions. 5.-They are the labor unions and if political bridges need to be burnt in order to obtain what is rightfully deserved then let us light the first match! It is time for the workers to take full control of their locals and nationals and throw out their union bosses who so love to rub elbows the Democratic party. After all. ..to let the direction of the union be in other hands than those of the members would be like trying to chop wood with some else holding the axe handle. Tony Naro and associates
WellAbout you note in mass media November 21 2002
This is the answerCorporate Profile for UNICCO Service Company, dated Friday, May 10, 2002Business Wire
The following Corporate Profile is available for inclusion in your files. News releases for this client are distributed by Business Wire and also become part of the leading databases and online services, including all of the leading Internet-based services. Published Date: May 10, 2002Company Name: UNICCO Service CompanyAddress: 275 Grove StreetNewton, MA 02466Main TelephoneNumber: 888-751-9100Internet HomePage Address(URL) www.unicco.comChief ExecutiveOfficer: Steven KletjianChief FinancialOfficer: George KechesInvestor Relations Marcos BecariManager Umass
Company Description: UNICCO Service Company is one of North America’s largest and most successful Integrated Facilities Services companies with over $ 600 million in annualized sales, 20,000 employees and a 95% customer retention rate. The company has over 50 years’ facilities outsourcing experience, including maintenance, operations, engineering, cleaning, lighting and administrative/office services for 1,000 commercial, corporate, industrial, education, government, and retail customers. UNICCO’s advanced facilities technologies include its proprietary myUNICCO.com customer portal and UNI-Q(R) palmtop inspection system, best-of-breed computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), eProcurement, and 24×7 call centers. For further information, call 888-751-9100 or visit www.unicco.com.Rocio Saenz, Deputy TrusteeRocio joined SEIU in 1988 as an organizer for SEIU’s Justice for Janitors Campaign in Los Angeles. She then worked with SEIU’s Northwestern region, where she helped building service locals develop their organizing programs. Fluent in Spanish, she helped coordinate the national program for the Building Service Division’s “Campaign 2000,” which won improved contracts covering about 100,000 members nationwide.”I am going to put my heart and soul into building Local 254. But we can be strong enough to win better wages and benefits only if members get fully involved in the fight.”Susana Segat, Deputy TrusteeSusana has been Director of SEIU’s Masssachusetts State Council for the past seven years. With over 20 years in SEIU, she now brings her negotiating, organizing, political and administrative skills to Local 254. Susana, who speaks fluent Spanish, is a member of the Cambridge School Committee, and chairs the Commonwealth’s Commission on the Status of Women.”Our challenge at Local 254 is to tap into our members’ strength, energy and knowledge to continue the SEIU tradition of great public sector contracts and organizing, and to improve wages and benefits across the board.”E.W. Buffum, PresidentMichael Roper, Vice PresidentEdward T. Sullivan, Jr., Business Manager and Secretary-TreasurerFrancis E. Fanning, Recording SecretaryJose Gomez, Sergeant-at-ArmsJoseph Finnegan, TrusteeHenry Abbondanzio, TrusteeAnna Quintanilla, TrusteeExecutive Board Members at Large:Richard WigginsRonald MathewsJocelyn ClaudeEdward MooreRobert GeorgeRosa GuevaraOriolis SotoSERVICE STAFFBusiness Agents:Francis E. Fanning, Senior AgentMichael J. Muse, Esq., General CounselDonald Coleman, General OrganizerPeter O’Neill, Esq., Director of EducationCathy ConwayVictor LimaCarlos DaSilvaField Representatives:Carmen VazquezAndre Alves, OrganizerJohn GuzmanTimothy Hatfield, Esq.Michael Berube, Esq.James GilmoreCesar Rodriguez, OrganizerDavid J. Stuehr, Esq.Administrative Staff:Patricia Grillo, Benefits AdministrationLesley Macaluso, Executive AssistantSilvia Sanchez, Health/Education LiaisonJacki Thomas, ReceptionElena Eschuk, RecordsElizabeth Newell, Staff Intern Robert J. Haynes Massachusetts AFL-CIO President Robert J. Haynes served as secretary-treasurer of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO for 11 years before taking over the helm as president in 1998. His career in the labor movement began more than 30 years ago in 1968 when, as an 18-year old, he went to work as an ironworker.
1.-“This alliance is exciting because it is much more than just your typical partnership,” noted UNICCO Vice President of Marketing George R. Lohnes withSEIU, BOMA, SIMON PROPERTIES ,EQUITY OFFICE.2.- is a slap in the face to anyone who pays dues to local 254you try talk with John GuzmanThe complaints against UNICCO employees have come from higher levels of the company as well. UNICCO reached an out-of-court settlement in 1998 with a former administrative assistant who sued the company’s chief executive officer, Steven Kletjian, alleging sexual harassment. In that suit, Katherine Lundberg, who was Kletjian’s assistant, accused him of making unwanted sexual advances and alleged, “This conduct by the company’s chief executive officer was characteristic of a pattern and practice of sexual harassment of female employees by male supervisors from the top levels of the company to the bottom levels.” In response to questions about that lawsuit, a UNICCO spokesman said, “The allegations are just that, allegations, and the matter, which is unrelated to the conciliation agreement, was settled many years ago.”Revere woman who allegedly embezzled $76,000 from a Boston firm found Herself in handcuffs yesterday when she went to Fleet Bank to withdraw some of the money, police said. Shandolyn Gray was arrested by Boston police detectives while trying to withdraw some of the S76,000 that she had allegedly steered to a personal account while working m the payroll department of a Boston real estate management company. She quit her job at Unicco “corp. last week and allegedly began withdrawing money yestcrday. She’d worked thcrc for four years
confession.Gray was in police custody ast night and was scheduled for
arraigment today
on a single charge of larceny over $250.
3.- Robert Hanley said Rocio is a wonder woman she is the best leader!But who is Rocio Saenz (ARCELIA) Only one thing could have inspired Hollywood-hater Ken Loach to shoot a movie in LA – the story of the Justice for Janitors campaign that exploded into violence a decade ago. Rocio Saenz gives a very convincing performance as a union organiser in Ken Loach’s new film, Bread and Roses. She shows just the right blend of determination and controlled conviction as she addresses the people who clean the buildings of corporate Los Angeles, trying to inspire them with commitment for the battles ahead. But if anyone should be able to play a passionate union activist, it is the 37-year-old from Mexico City in her first – and probably last – role in what is Loach’s first – film made in the United States. One key task when Saenz first started work was the organising of the janitors, the people who clean the office buildings and who had traditionally been underpaid and exploited, not least because many of them were “undocumented” – illegally in the country and thus unable to complain. So Saenz found herself as an organiser with the Service Employees International Union in what became known as the Justice for Janitors’ campaign. This hit the headlines in June 1990 when riot police attacked one of their marches in Century City and 60 marchers were hospitalised after bloody scenes.4.- The average cost to the state is $2,121 per patient. FreeCare, a separate insurance plan for indigent people, covers the actual delivery and hospitalization costs.said Choy. Because illegal immigrants are limited in job opportunities by barriers such as language and fear of arrest, even in a booming economy, they’re targets for abuse, activists and workers said. “It’s harder for them to stand up for their rights: hourly wage, vacation time, health and safety issues,” said Choy. “If it’s a legitimate, scrupulous employer, it’s not a problem.” , who came here illegally to flee government persecution for union work, has since gained legal status. She has seen workplace abuse firsthand. “There are some places that accept fake papers,” she said, and then realize workers are vulnerable. “We have to be realistic,” she said. “The majority of the time, (employers) know these people are undocumented, so they abuse them. They give them the hardest work, low pay; they don’t have any health insurance, any benefits at all. “That’s a reality,” she said. “They are the ones who are mistreated.””They were physically barred from entering the building by their supervisor and they were fired,” Renee Asher, spokeswoman for the Service Employees International Union, said yesterday.Officials from the cleaning contractor, Unicco Service Co., disputed that assertion yesterday, saying the women were not fired, and the incident had nothing to do with stickers.”They were being loud at the gate and they were being disruptive,” said John Correia, Unicco regional vice president of operations. Correia defended the actions of the supervisor. “He actually felt threatened. He said, ‘If you don’t calm down you can’t come in.'”
5.- . I think the difference is when the employers don’t respect the employee. It’s about attitudes of respect and responsibility . . . they have the money, they have the responsibility for the progress. But when they have a negative attitude, it’s very different for the community.”Deficit masachussetts cuts of budget.
James Hare, a student at the Harvard Divinity School, was one of nine protesters arrested Thursday after a crowd blocked the entrance to the Massachusetts Turnpike in Copley Square at rush hour to support the janitors.”Now we are facing criminal charges,” he said at the rally yesterday. “I’d like to say we are not the criminals here. The real criminals are those in Unicco’s offices.”6.- For union official Rocio Saenz, the headlong rush to show the public something – anything – after Sept. 11 is driving federal enforcement to focus on one of the nation’s favorite historical whipping boys: immigrants. How else to explain why 20 Logan International Airport workers, including airplane cleaners and security checkpoint screeners, are facing federal charges of lying on applications for the low-wage jobs, Saenz and a coalition of civil rights and immigrant groups argued yesterday at a news conference outside the US Courthouse in Boston.None of th
20 has been linked to terrorist activity and only three have been formally indicted since a well-publicized sweep last month at the airport that two teams of Sept. 11 hijackers passed through.”There is no scapegoating,” Sullivan said. ”There was a concerted effort to make sure that people with access to the most secure areas of airports were who they said they were. When people violate the law, there should be consequences.”Prompted by the terror attacks of Sept. 11, John Smith decided to take a closer look at who was working for him. After all, the roughly 600 employees of his AM PM Cleaning Corp. spend hours every night alone in the offices of his corporate clients, in close contact with computers, records and other sensitive material.What he found rattled him–and ultimately drove him to dismiss more than 100 employees when he discovered mismatches between their names and social security numbers. Smith–who is required by federal law to provide two pieces of identification for each employee of his Waltham-based company, but not to verify whether those IDs are legitimate–now places added importance on accurate hiring records. He has since hired a security consultancy to run background checks on each new hire, at a cost of more than $100 a head. “The people I had to let go, I don’t think any of them were a threat,” said Smith, AM PM’s founder, whose clients include Fidelity Investments and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. Rather, “the threat is in having the improper hiring processes going forward.” George Keches, president and COO of Newton-based Unicco Service Co., said his company, too, has seen heightened interest in the screening of its employees since Sept. 11. Although Unicco, which counts Equity Office Properties among its clients, said it verifies all workers’ employment histories and references, Keches said the company does not usually perform more-extensive checks unless requested by a client. While Marquet notes that, in reality, there are “very few terrorists,” he said people with access to a company’s office pose a security risk. One of the first recommendations he makes to clients is to conduct employee and vendor screening. “What you’re really screening out (are) people who would cause the same kind of damage they would before 9-11,” he said. It’s advice more property owners and managers may be ready to heed in these times of heightened suspicion, says Michael Quinn, president-elect of the Boston Building Owners and Managers Association. Quinn, who heads BOMA’s Building Emergency Task Force, said he believes the issue of vendor screening will be on the agenda in the future. “It’s an area we really haven’t focused on, but it sounds like we need to,” said Quinn.
“to let the direction of the union be in other hands than those of the members would be like trying to chop wood with some else holding the axe handle.”
“This represents a significant milestone in our 51-year-history,” noted UNICCO Chairman and CEO Steven C. Kletjian. “When we moved to our Copley Place offices in 1991, we were a $50 million company with 4,800 employees. Now we enter the new millennium as a $550 million company and the employer of 20,000 men and women across North America. Our new corporate offices will give our growing headquarters staff the room and state-of-the-art facilities they need to continue to provide our customers our high standards of service and maintain our competitive edge. It should also help us attract top employees with a location easily accessible to both downtown Boston and the suburbs.After years of trying to garner new customers, Kletjian’s next change was to make UNICCO a total facility service provider. The first full-service client the company signed on Was more a product of luck than anything else, he admits. Then, it took a long time for UNICCO to attract any more. That’s when Kletjian decided that if he wanted to offer additional maintenance or engineering 5ervices,he would have to buy the expertise.In 1990, UNICCO purchased the New England operations Ogden Corp a New York-based service provider that offered a non-janitorial base of mechanical accounts. But this acquisition was just the beginning of what would eventually become UNICCO’s purchase of the rest of Ogden’s U.S. and Canadian operations six years later, which was almost four times large than Kletjian’s company.”He’s a very astute financial manager, certainly one of the best in the industry,” says Bill Garklough of The Change Agents a cleaning industry mergers and acquisitions firm. “It’s especially interesting that he negotiated a piecemeal transaction with such a large Organization that allowed him to only buy operations he found beneficial.” “We are progressing as an organization,” said event co-host Mike Ohanian. “The Assembly is the best organization there is. We need new members to help us grow and help keep Armenia independent.” Steve Kletjian and Vahan Martirossian have become Associate Trustees. Edwin Adamian, Robert Talanian, Robert Atamian, Charles Arakelian, Jack Bejakian, Sam Bejakian, Gerald Boghosian, Raffi Festekjian, Varney Hintlian, Greg Hintlian, Robert Khederian, Albert Talanian, Bruce Newell, Benn Theodore, Edward Shooshanian and Herb Sarkissian joined as Fellow Trustees. In addition, seven members donated $1000 each to support Assembly programs.