Dear Student Body:
Delta Sigma Pi, the business fraternity on campus, is holding a campus-wide food collection for the Greater Boston Food Bank, an organization that will distribute the food to the homeless and needy. This collection ends November 12th.
Last Wednesday, October 31, I set up several collection bins and hung flyers around the school announcing this to everyone. It was pretty hard to miss the signs when I was finished. You would have to not enter the McCormack or Wheatley buildings or not eat in the McCormack or Wheatley cafeterias to avoid them.
To my surprise, when I came in the next day, Thursday, I noticed the flyers were missing. I expected a couple to be missing, but almost every single one was methodically removed. These weren’t several random acts; otherwise the flyers around the ones I hung would be missing too. I started going around campus looking for the flyers I placed the previous day-almost none. That’s when I passed where the food collection bins were supposed to be. They were missing too.
My first thought was that maybe I overlooked an administrative procedure before setting everything up and someone at Student Life took them all down. So I went to Student Life, twice, and inquired if there was a reason why they would be torn down. I was told that since the signs and bins were all stamped, they would have no reason to do such a thing.
I can only imagine the type of person who would go to such efforts to prevent food from going to homeless and hungry families of the Greater Boston Area. These actions only hurt the poor. I can only ask two things.
To the person who stole the collection bins and ripped down the flyers: please stop, return the bins, and get help.
To the people of UMass Boston: tell everyone that Delta Sigma Pi is having a campus food collection for homeless and hungry people; tell everyone that the average age of a homeless person is only nine years old; tell everyone that someone dies from a hunger-related cause once every 40 seconds; tell everyone you won’t talk to them unless they donate some food; tell everyone whatever it takes for them to bring in food for the homeless.
Some demented individual is determined to stop this food drive. The only losers in this action are the starving poor. That’s a victory for no one. As long as you and I can afford a meal when we come home each night, it should be our personal goal to help the people who can’t. Call me an idealist, but I believe we can show this person that common good will is stronger than the madness that would attempt to stop this.
Also, I will meet anyone on campus, collect the food, and make sure it goes to the Greater Boston Food Bank personally. Email me at [email protected] to arrange such a meeting or for information on Delta Sigma Pi.
Stephen A. Golemme
Director of Community Service
Beta Delta Sigma Colony
Delta Sigma Pi – Professional Business Fraternity