The Video Library in Philadelphia, (online at, rents very hard to find movies on both VHS and DVD, and has, on many occasions, provided a life saving, (or grade saving anyway), service to college students around the country. Through our mail order video rental service, any student, or professor for that matter, can rent any of our over 22,000 titles through the mail, so no matter where they are in the U.S., they can have access to countless films. Usually students come to us because they’ve missed a class during which an important film was shown, and they of course need to see the film for the mid-term or final, or both, and their university library doesn’t keep the film, and neither, of course, does their local video store, or else they need to write a paper on a film but only got the chance to see the film once, during class, and they could arguably write a better paper if they had the time to really scrutinize every moment of the film. The Video Library can send the tape to them, let them have it for a week, and then the student just drops the reusable box back in any mail box on campus. It’s easy, it’s reasonably priced, and now, since we’ve launched our new website a couple of months ago, the entire transaction can happen over the internet. The students who have used us in the past, as well as the professors who continue to use us on a more consistent, on-going basis, have nothing but good things to say about the service we provide, and they’re very quick to say that if it weren’t for us, they couldn’t have had the opportunity to either see, or show, some of the greatest films in film history.
Georgia State University’s The Signal just wrote a feature story on us, highlighting the usefulness of our service both for educational and entertainment purposes.
Thanks. And if you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Frank Chismjfrankchism@hotmail.comThe Video Library7157 Germantown AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 191191-800-669-7157