This year the UMass Boston Women’s Center has two new women at the helm – Ginn Norris, Coordinator, and Susan Rohwer, Assistant Coordinator. Together, these two young women are shaping up a new vision for the UMB Women’s Center. They have put together a pamphlet explaining that, “The Women’s Center is not a club or group to join. There are no fees to pay, and it is open to all.” It goes on to explain, “This year, we plan to host several events throughout the year. We hope to incorporate women’s issues from around the globe and will welcome any ideas for future events from the UMass community.”
One of the events that Norris and Rohwer are planning is the hosting of speaker Rebecca Butler, a sexual assault survivor and public speaker, to discuss the issue of sexual respect between men and women, including how to recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship.
Also, both Norris and Rohwer have their own “pet projects”. Norris is a supporter of The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), “an all-volunteer, independent Afghan women’s organization in Afghanistan, working to empower women and peacefully resist fundamentalist domination…” The Women’s Center hopes to host a benefit for the organization laterthis year.
Rohwer has taken a special interest in the Juarez murders. Rohwer explained that more than 300 women, mostly students and factory workers, have been brutally murdered (decapitated, disemboweled, etc.) since 1993 in Juarez, Mexico. Nobody knows who is committing the murders or why, and with a corrupt authority structured, nothing is being done. Many believe the police themselves are involved. The Women’s Center hopes to bring this to the attention of the UMB community by showing documentary films, offering books, and hosting guest speakers on the subject.
One of the Women’s Center’s primary goals is to let women know about the services and support that is available to them at UMass Boston. For example, many people don’t know that there is an escort service available, that one can obtain rape whistles from public safety, or that birth control is available at University Health Services. Also, Norris and Rohwer want to foster awareness of political issues and international issues pertaining to women such as the situations in Afghanistan and Mexico described above.
The Women’s Center is located on the fourth floor of the Wheatley Building, room 171, and is open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm. All are welcome to drop by and take advantage of what is available. One can get information regarding support services on and off campus, upcoming events on and off campus, community organizations and volunteering opportunities as well as information about rape crisis, STDs, women’s cancers and other women’s health issues. Also available are women’s magazines, feminine products, and condoms. The Women’s Center is a place to discuss current issues and topics, read, study, and/or relax. Rohwer emphasizes, “We welcome everybody. We want everyone to come in.”